




In the first half of 2019, the Impossible Burger–the plant-based burger known for its ability to bleed plant-based blood–will be sold in grocery stores for the first time.

2019年的上半年,不可思议汉堡” —— 种以植物为原料、并且能够流出用植物原料做成的血的汉堡,就要首次走上货架了。


Good Catch, a startup making fish-free tuna and crab-free cakes, plans to launch in February. And it’s possible that the FDA and USDA will approve the first chicken grown from chicken cells in a bioreactor for sale in restaurants.

Good Catch公司 —— 家生产不用鱼的金枪鱼和不用螃蟹的蟹饼的公司,也准备在二月启动了。而且FDAUSDA可能还要首次批准在餐厅里售卖直接在生物培养基中用鸡肉细胞培养出的鸡肉。



It means we could be at a tipping point for the post-animal meat industry. Sales of plant-based meat are growing; between August 2017 and August 2018, according to Nielsen data, dollar sales grew 23%.



Beyond Meat, the California-based startup with a plant-based burger designed to look and taste like a beef burger, struggled to keep its product in stock at Whole Foods, and had to postpone its rollout to the U.K. because it couldn’t keep up with demand. The company tripled its production capacity in 2018.

Beyond Meat是一家位于加州的初创公司,他们生产以植物为原料的汉堡,这种汉堡被设计成像真牛肉汉堡一样的样子;Beyond Meat后来经过一番努力让自己的产品进驻了全食超市。并且他们被迫推迟了在英国的亮相,因为他们的产量赶不上需求量的增长,公司在2018年把自己的制造能力扩充到了原本的3倍。


The growth is driven by new products that are nothing like traditional veggie burgers.



“It’s a real shift in the meat alternative category from what it had been for decades, where most of the products were designed mostly for vegetarian and vegan audiences and weren’t trying to directly replicate conventional meat,” says Caroline Bushnell, who studies the market for plant-based meat at the nonprofit Good Food Institute.

非营利组织Good Food研究所的植物肉市场研究员卡洛琳·布什那说:这对于肉类的代替品来说是个重大的转折,这一门类的东西已经几十年没变过了,大部分传统的产品主要都是为素食者和严格素食者设计的,并没有打算替代传统的肉食。



“In the last few years, as we’ve seen more companies innovating and thinking of their market base as all consumers and meat eaters…the way these products are being innovated and produced has really evolved.”



It’s still a tiny category–slightly less than 1% of all retail meat dollar sales go to plant-based meat. But the industry is at a similar point now as plant-based milk was a decade ago, says Bushnell.



Soy milk, almond milk, and other products in that category now make up 13% of overall milk sales; more than a third of American households now buy plant-based milk.



In part, that shift happened because the products moved from the center aisles of grocery stores to the dairy case next to milk from cows.



“It opened up the category to a whole new group of consumers who just didn’t know the product existed before,” she says.


