TED | 和给我负面评论的人对话








DM: At the end of these conversations, there's often a moment of reflection. A reconsideration. And that's exactly what happened at the end of my call with a guy named Doug who had written that I was a talentless propaganda hack.



(Audio) Did the conversation we just had --does it, like, make you feel differently about how you write online?



Doug: Yeah! You know, when I said this to you, when I said you were a "talentless hack," I had never conversed with you in my life, really. I didn't really know anything really about you. And I think that a lot of times, that's what the comment sections really are, it's really a way to get your anger at the world out on random profiles of strangers, pretty much.



DM (Laughing): Yeah, right.



Doug: But it definitely has made me rethink the way that I interact with people online.



DM: So I've collected these conversations and many others for my podcast "Conversations with People Who Hate Me."



Before I started this project, I thought that the real way to bring about change was to shut down opposing view points through epically worded video essays and comments and posts, but I soon learned those were only cheered on by the people who already agreed with me. Sometimes-- bless you. Sometimes, the most subversive thing you could do -- yeah, clap for him.



Sometimes, the most subversive thing you could do was to actually speak with the people you disagreed with, and not simply at them.



Now in every one of my calls, I always ask my guests to tell me about themselves. And it's their answer to this question that allows me to empathize with them. And empathy, it turns out, is a keying redient in getting these conversations off the ground, but it can feel very vulnerable to be empathizing with someone you profoundly disagree with.



So I established a helpful mantra for myself. Empathy is not end or sement. Empathizing with someone you profoundly disagree with does not suddenly compromise your own deeply held beliefs and endorse theirs. Empathizing with someone who, for example, believes that being gay is a sin doesn't mean that I'm suddenly going to drop everything, pack my bags and grab my one-way ticket to hell, right?



It just means that I'm acknowledging the humanity of someone who was raised to think very differently from me. I also want to be super clear about something. This is not a prescription for activism. I understand that some people don't feel safe talking to their detractors and others feel so marginalized that they justifiably don't feel that they have any empathy to give. I totally get that. This is just what I feel well-suited to do.
