La Isla Bonita: 洋溢拉丁风情的热情鼓点

La Isla Bonita, 丽岛颂,美国流行女歌手麦当娜·西科尼86年的冠军歌曲。该作品为拉丁流行乐舞曲,融合了西班牙风情元素。歌名La Isla Bonita 为西班牙语,即‘美丽的海岛’。桑巴鼓点的节奏渲染出了热烈的气氛,欢快的曲调与极强的节奏感让人忍不住想随之起舞。 



Last night I dreamt of San Pedro 昨夜梦回圣岛

Just like I'd never gone, I knew the song 身处异境,乐萦耳际

A young girl with eyes like the desert 女子双眼尽苍凉

It all seems like yesterday, not far away 故影重现

Tropical, the island breeze 热带习习风

All of nature,wild and free  万类竞自由

This is where I long to be 寤寐求之!

La isla bonita 丽岛也

And when the samba played 热舞起

The sun would set so high 艳阳照

Ring through my ears and sting my eyes 吟语舞姿迷人眼

your spanish lullaby 夜曲浅唱

I fell in love with san pedro 圣岛吾爱!

Warm wind carried on the sea, he called to me 洋送暖风夫呼妾

Te dijo te amo 爱意绵绵

I prayed that the days would last They went so fast 欲青春永葆,无奈白驹过

Tropical the island breeze 热带习习风

All of nature, wild and free 万类竞自由

This is where I long to be 寤寐求之!

La isla bonita 丽岛也!

And when the samba played 热舞起

The sun would set so high 艳阳照

Ring through my ears and sting my eyes 吟语舞姿迷人眼

Your spanish lullaby 夜曲浅唱

I want to be where the sun warms the sky 梦寐以求,丽岛蓝天

When it's time for siesta you can watch them go by 恬卧沙地观人群

Beautiful faces, no cares in this world 淑女美男收眼底,无忧无虑

where a girl loves a boy 男欢女爱

And a boy loves a girl  尽在不言中 

Last night I dreamt of San Pedro 圣岛夜梦回

It all seems like yesterday, not far away 故影重现

Tropical the island breeze 热带习习风

All of nature, wild and free 万类竞自由

This is where I long to be 寤寐求之!

La isla bonita 丽岛也

And when the samba played 热舞起

The sun would set so high 艳阳照

Ring through my ears and sting my eyes 吟语舞姿迷人眼

Your spanish lullaby 夜曲浅唱

Tropical the island breeze 热带习习风

All of nature, wild and free  万类竞自由

This is where i long to be 寤寐求之!

La isla bonita 丽岛也

And when the samba played 热舞起

The sun would set so high 艳阳照

Ring through my ears and sting my eyes 吟语舞姿迷人眼

Your spanish lullaby 嘤嘤夜曲

Your spanish lullaby 低吟浅唱 



歌词:When it's time for siesta you can watch them go by 恬卧沙地观人群

解析:siesta [sɪ'ɛstə] n.(西)午睡;午休

Life starts again slowly, as people emerge from their homes after dinner and a siesta.


These workers have no time for a siesta in summer.



歌词:Tropical, the island breeze热带习习风

解析:Tropical [ˈtrɑ:pɪkl] adj. 热带的;炎热的

The Hurricane Center warns people not to take the threat of tropical storms lightly.


Cuba has a tropical climate with year-round sunshine.


Asia extends across the frigid, temperate and tropical zones.



breeze [briz] n. 微风;轻而易举的事 vi.随意轻松地进入;漫步走入;轻松过关,轻易通过(比赛或测试)

The breeze was cool, brisk and invigorating. 微风凉爽、清新,令人精神振奋

The curtains billowed in the breeze 窗帘在微风中飘扬。


breezy[ˈbrizi] adj. 有微风的;微风吹过的;通风好的;活泼的;轻松愉快的

The day was breezy and warm.这一天微风习习,暖洋洋的。

This album is bright, breezy and playful. 这张专辑的音乐轻快且趣味十足。

Monica tried to sound breezy. Monica 竭力使自己的声音听上去轻松随意。

He has a bright and breezy personality他的性格开朗活泼。