波音737 MAX终于停产!

CNN报道,波音公司于美国时间周一宣布,他们计划从1月份开始暂停737 Max机型的生产,等待深陷麻烦中的机型重新认证及复飞。


The company’s stock price closed down more than 4% Monday after early reports that Boeing might halt the plane’s production began to circulate, and then fell another 0.67% after hours following the company’s official announcement.





波音在官网给出的737 Max信息更新,其中包括:

•因为审查认证工作进入2020年,所以波音暂时停产737 Max;






“Safely returning the 737 MAX to service is our top priority. We know that the process of approving the 737 MAX’s return to service, and of determining appropriate training requirements, must be extraordinarily thorough and robust, to ensure that our regulators, customers, and the flying public have confidence in the 737 MAX updates. As we have previously said, the FAA and global regulatory authorities determine the timeline for certification and return to service. We remain fully committed to supporting this process. It is our duty to ensure that every requirement is fulfilled, and every question from our regulators answered.”


“将737 MAX重新安全交付运行是我们的首要任务。我们明白,批准737 MAX复飞,决定相关的培训要求,这一过程都需要周密稳重的安排,确保监管部门、客户以及大众对于737 MAX的改进充满信心。如此前所言,美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)和全球的监管机构决定了审查认证和复飞时间表。我们仍然全力投入相关进程。这也是我们的职责,确保达到每一项要求,回答监管部门的每一项疑问。”


The 737 Max was grounded worldwide in March after two fatal crashes -  a Lion Air jet that plunged into the Java Sea in October 2018 and an Ethiopian Airlines plane downed near Addis Ababa in March - killed 346 people. But getting the plane back in the air has proven immensely difficult, causing major financial and reputational issues for Boeing.

去年10月及今年3月,印尼狮航及埃塞俄比亚航空的737MAX先后失事,共造成346人遇难,同型号飞机随即被全球停飞。想要737 MAX复飞十分艰难,波音面临重大的财务及名誉难题。




Orders for the 737 Max dried up, and it wasn’t until last month that Boeing recorded its first new orders - a total of only 30 planes - since the grounding. Now that process, which has faced a number of setbacks, has been pushed into 2020 and Boeing has an inventory of about 400 of the airplanes in storage.



The company said the continued uncertainty of the 737 Max’s future forced it to make the drastic move to pause the plane’s production and shift its focus to delivering planes it has already produced. Boeing did not say how long it expects production to be halted.

波音则表示,由于737 MAX未来的不确定性,他们不得已采取如此激进的举措:暂停生产,把重点转向已生产飞机的交付。不过,波音方面没有给出停产的时限。


Halting production of the plane will most likely hurt parts suppliers and could have a broader effect on the American economy.



Boeing has only rarely stopped production of its airplanes, most recently in 2008. But the company has never faced a situation like the one it now confronts.





Boeing’s decision could ripple through the American economy. The company is America’s largest manufacturing exporter and it views the 737 Max as critical to its future.

波音的决定可能对美国经济产生连锁反应。波音是美国最大的制造出口商,并且将737 MAX视为关乎公司未来的关键产品。


Because Boeing is not planning significant layoffs and its suppliers are distributed around the country, the overall effect on the broader economy will depend on how long the stoppage lasts.
