TED | 如何激发每个孩子成为终生阅读者?








85 percent! The more challenges to reading children face, the more culturally competent educators need to be. Moonlighting as a stand-up comedian for the past eight years, I understand the importance of cultural competency, which I define as the ability to translate what you want someone else to know or be able to do into communication or experiences that they find relevant and engaging.



Before going on stage, I assess an audience. Are they white, are they Latino? Are they old, young, professional, conservative? Then I curate and modify my jokes based on what I think would generate the most laughter. While performing in a church, I could tell bar jokes. But that might not result in laughter.



As a society, were creating reading experiences for children that are the equivalent of telling bar jokes in a church. And then we wonder why so many children dont read. Educator and philosopher Paulo Freire believed that teaching and learning should be two-way.Students shouldnt be viewed as empty buckets to be filled with facts but as cocreators of knowledge.



Cookie-cutter curriculums and school policies that require students to sit statue-still or to work in complete silence - these environments often exclude the individual learning needs, the interest and expertise of children. Especially black boys.



Many of the childrens books promoted to black boys focus on serious topics, like slavery, civil rights and biographies.Less than two percent of teachers in the United States are black males. And a majority of black boys are raised by single mothers. There are literally young black boys who have never seen a black man reading. Or never had a black man encourage him to read. What cultural factors, what social cues are present that would lead a young black boy to conclude that reading is even something he should do?



This is why I created Barbershop Books. Its a literacy non profit that creates child-friendly reading spaces in barbershops. The mission is simple: to help young black boys identify as readers.Lots of black boys go to the barber shop once or twice a month.



Some see their barbers more than they see their fathers. Barbershop Books connects reading to a male-centered space and involves black men and boys early reading experiences. This identity-based reading program uses a curated list of childrens books recommended by black boys. These are the books that they actually want to read.
