TED | 有多少APP正在窥视你的隐私?



芬恩 · 迈尔斯塔德(Finn Myrstad)和他的团队在挪威消费者委员会(Norwegian Consumer Council)工作,他们花了将近一天半的时间来阅读一台普通手机上所有应用程序的条款。在谈到科技公司欺骗用户的惊人方式时,迈尔斯塔德分享了关于你同意让公司收集的个人信息的见解,以及他们如何以你无法想象的规模使用你的数据。





Now, I would like to tell you a story about love. Some of the world's most popular apps are dating apps, an industry now worth more than, or close to, three billion dollars a year. And of course, were OK sharing our intimate details with our other half. But who else is snooping, saving and sharing our information while we are baring our souls? My team and I decided to investigate this. And in order to understand the issue from all angles and to truly do a thorough job, I realized I had to download one of the world's most popular dating apps myself.



So I went home to my wife ...



who I had just married. Is it OK if I establish a profile on a very popular dating app for purely scientific purposes?



This is what we found. Hidden behind them a in menu was a pre ticked box that gave the dating company access to all my personal pictures on Facebook, in my case more than 2,000 of them, and some were quite personal. And to make matters worse, when we read the terms and conditions, we discovered the following, and Im going to need to take out my reading glasses for this one. And I'm going to read it for you, because this is complicated. All right.



By posting content - and content refers to your pictures, chat and other interactions in the dating service - as a part of the service, you automatically grant to the company, its affiliates, licensees and successors an irrevocable - which means you cant change your mind




perpetual - which means forever - nonexclusive, transferrable, sublicensable, fully paid-up, worldwide right and license to use, copy, store, perform, display, reproduce, record, play, adapt, modify and distribute the content, prepare derivative works of the content, or incorporate the content into other works and grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing in any media now known or here after created.



That basically means that all your dating history and everything related to it can be used for any purpose for all time. Just imagine your children seeing your sassy dating photos in a birth control ad 20 years from now.



But seriously, though -



What might these commercial practices mean to you? For example, financial loss: based on your web browsing history, algorithms might decide whether you will get a mortgage or not. Subconscious manipulation: companies can analyze your emotions based on your photos and chats, targeting you with ads when you are at your most vulnerable.



Discrimination: a fitness app can sell your data to a health insurance company, preventing you from getting coverage in the future. All of this is happening in the world today.



But of course, not all uses of data are malign. Some are just flawed or need more work, and some are truly great. And there is some good news as well. The dating companies changed their policies globally after we filed a legal complaint. But organizations such as mine that fight for consumers rights cant be everywhere.



Nor can consumers fix this on their own, because if we know that something innocent we said will come back to haunt us, we will stop speaking. If we know that we are being watched and monitored, we will change our behavior. And if we cant control who has our data and how it is being used, we have lost the control of our lives.



The stories I have told you today are not random examples. They are everywhere, and they are a sign that things need to change. And how can we achieve that change? Well, companies need to realize that by prioritizing privacy and security, they can build trust and loyalty to their users. Governments must create a safer internet by ensuring enforcement and up-to-date rules. And us, the citizens? We can use our voice to remind the world that technology can only truly benefit society if it respects basic rights.
