TED | 十条黄金省时技巧小贴士



科技专栏作者David Pogue分享十条简单,高明的小贴士,给电脑,网络,智能手机,数码相机用户。当然,你可能已经知道了几条 —— 但是多半有一些你不知道。






First of all, on the web, if you want to scroll down, don't pick up the mouse and use the scroll bar. Thats a terrible waste of time. Do that only if youre paid by the hour. Instead, hit the space bar. The space bar scrolls down one page. Hold down the Shift key to scroll back up again. So, space bar to scroll down one page; works in every browser, in every kind of computer.

好的。第一,在网络上,当你面对网页的时候 你想要向下滚动(网页)。不要拿起鼠标 接着下拉滚动条。那是可怕的时间浪费。如果你的报酬按小时计算,那你可以那样做。而你应该点击空格键。空格键向下滚动一个页面。按住 Shift键(+空格键)向上滚动回来。所以空格键,向下滚动一个页面。在所有电脑的浏览器上,它都有效。


Also on the web, when youre filling in one of these forms like your addresses, I assume you know that you can hit the Tab key to jump from box to box to box. But what about the pop-up menu where you put in your state? Dont open the pop-up menu. Thats a terrible waste of calories. Type the first letter of your state over and over and over. So if you want Connecticut, go, C, C, C. If you want Texas, go T, T, and you jump right to that thing without even opening the pop-up menu.

同样,在网页上,当你在填写一个这样的表格,如你的地址,我猜想,你知道按Tab键从一个框跳到另一个框。但是,面对下拉菜单——比如选择你的州,要怎么做? 不要点开下拉菜单。那是可怕的卡路里消耗。(在键盘上)按下你所在州的第一字母,再按,再按。比如你想选择康涅狄格州(Connecticut),按下,CCC。如果是德克萨斯州(Texas),按下,TT,然后你成功了。不用点开下拉菜单。


Also on the web, when the text is too small, what you do is hold down the Control key and hit plus, plus, plus.You make the text larger with each tap. Works on every computer, every web browser, or minus, minus, to get smaller again. If youre on the Mac, it might be Command instead.



When youre typing on your Blackberry, Android, iPhone, dont bother switching layouts to the punctuation layout to hit the period and then a space, then try to capitalize the next letter. Just hit the space bar twice. The phone puts the period, the space, and the capital for you. Go space, space. It is totally amazing.



Also when it comes to cell phones, on all phones, if you want to redial somebody that youve dialed before, all you have to do is hit the call button, and it puts the last phone number into the box for you, and at that point you can hit call again to actually dial it. No need to go to the recent calls list if youre trying to call somebody just hit the call button again.



Something that drives me crazy: When I call you and leave a message on your voice mail, I hear you saying, Leave a message, and then I get these 15 seconds of freaking instructions, like we haven't had answering machines for 45 years!



Im not bitter. So it turns out theres a keyboard shortcut that lets you jump directly to the beep like this.

我不是愤怒。这里有一个键盘快捷键 让你直接得跳到哔声,像这样。


Phone: At the tone, please...(Beep)



David Pogue: Unfortunately, the carriers didnt adopt the same keystroke, so its different by carrier, so it devolves upon you to learn the keystroke for the person youre calling. I didnt say these were going to be perfect.

David Pogue:不幸地是,运营商没有采用一样的快捷键。所以,运营商不一样,(快捷键)也不一样。你需要去了解所拨打号码的运营商特定的快捷键。我没说这个技巧是完美的。