TED | 为什么食堂大妈是英雄?



童书作家 Jarrett Krosoczka 分享了食堂大妈漫画书系列的灵感来源。漫画中食堂大妈暗中充当校园英雄的角色并且伸张正义。他的新项目“校园食堂英雄日”是关于让食堂工作人员意思到他们不仅为学生提供食物,也希望他们明白“谢谢”的力量。






And coast to coast, all of the lunch ladies told me the same thing: Thank you for making a superhero in our likeness. Because the lunch lady has not been treated very kindly in popular culture over time.



But it meant the most to Jeannie. When the books were first published, I invited her to the book launch party, and in front of everyone there, everyone she had fed over the years, I gave her a piece of artwork and some books.



And two years after this photo was taken, she passed away, and I attended her wake, and nothing could have prepared me for what I saw there, because next to her casket was this painting, and her husband told me it meant so much to her that I had acknowledged her hard work, I had validated what she did.



And that inspired me to create a day where we could recreate that feeling in cafeterias across the country: School Lunch Hero Day, a day where kids can make creative projects for their lunch staff. And I partnered with the School Nutrition Association, and did you know that a little over 30 million kids participate in school lunch programs every day. That equals up to a little over five billion lunches made every school year.

于是我想设立特别的一天,在这一天里,我们可以重新感受那种在食堂里的那种感觉 在校园食堂英雄日里,孩子们可以给他们的食堂服务人员带去惊喜。同时,我与校园营养组织合作,你们也知道大约超过三千万的孩子,每天都参与了这个学校午餐计划,着就想当于大约学校每年准备50亿份午餐。


And the stories of heroism go well beyond just a kid getting a few extra chicken nuggets on their lunch tray.



There is Ms. Brenda in California, who keeps a close eye on every student that comes through her line and then reports back to the guidance counselor if anything is amiss.



There are the lunch ladies in Kentucky who realized that 67 percent of their students relied on those meals every day, and they were going without food over the summer, so they retrofitted a school bus to create a mobile feeding unit, and they traveled around the neighborhoods feedings 500 kids a day during the summer.



And kids made the most amazing projects. I knew they would. Kids made hamburger cards that were made out of construction paper. They took photos of their lunch ladys head and plastered it onto my cartoon lunch lady and fixed that to a milk carton and presented them with flowers.



And they made their own comics, starring the cartoon lunch lady alongside their actual lunch ladies. And they made thank you pizzas, where every kid signed a different topping of a construction paper pizza.

于是他们制作出了他们自己的漫画书,主演就是漫画中的食堂大妈以及他们现实生活中的食堂大妈。他们还作了比萨以表示感谢每个孩子都在用建筑用纸,做成的比萨饼上 涂上了不同的配料。


For me, I was so moved by the response that came from the lunch ladies, because one woman said to me, she said, Before this day, I felt like I was at the end of the planet at this school. I didnt think that anyone noticed us down here. Another woman said to me, You know, what I got out of this is that what I do is important.



And of course what she does is important. What they all do is important. Theyre feeding our children every single day, and before a child can learn, their belly needs to be full, and these women and men are working on the front lines to create an educated society.



So I hope that you dont wait for School Lunch Hero Day to say thank you to your lunch staff, and I hope that you remember how powerful a thank you can be. A thank you can change a life. It changes the life of the person who receives it, and it changes the life of the person who expresses it.
