TED | 如何把你重视的事情做得更好









But they learn that mistakes are undesirable inadvertently when teachers or parents are eager to hear just correct answers and reject mistakes rather than welcome and examine them to learn from them, or when we look for narrow responses rather than encourage more exploratory thinking that we can all learn from. When all homework or student work has a number or a letter on it, and counts towards a final grade, rather than being used for practice, mistakes, feedback and revision, we send the message that school is a performance zone.

老师、家长对正确答案趋之若鹜的态度,无意中让学生抗拒犯错而不是勇于试错、检视过错、 并从中吸取教训我们也只想要“标准答案”而不是激励学生去进行 大有裨益的开拓性思考一旦学生的作业、作品,都会被评定等级、标上分数最后被记入期末成绩 它们就起不到练习、试错、反馈、修正的作用了我们让孩子误认为学校是展现区


The same is true in our workplaces. In the companies I consult with, I often see flawless execution cultures which leaders foster to encourage great work. But that leads employees to stay within what they know and not try new things, so companies struggle to innovate and improve, and they fall behind.



We can create more spaces for growth by starting conversations with one another about when we want to be in each zone. What do we want to get better at and how? And when do we want to execute and minimize mistakes? That way, we gain clarity about what success is, when, and how to best support one another.

But what if we find ourselves in a chronic high-stakes setting and we feel we cant start those conversations yet? Then here are three things that we can still do as individuals.



First, we can create low-stakes islands in an otherwise high-stakes sea. These are spaces where mistakes have little consequence. For example, we might find a mentor or a trusted colleague with whom we can exchange ideas or have vulnerable conversations or even role-play. Or we can ask for feedback-oriented meetings as projects progress. Or we can set aside time to read or watch videos or take online courses. Those are just some examples.



Second, we can execute and perform as were expected, but then reflect on what we could do better next time, like Beyoncé does, and we can observe and emulate experts. The observation, reflection and adjustment is a learning zone. And finally, we can lead and lower the stakes for others by sharing what we want to get better at, by asking questions about what we dont know, by soliciting feedback and by sharing our mistakes and what weve learned from them, so that others can feel safe to do the same.

其次,我们可以遵循着预期去执行,但将精力集中于如何在下次做的更好,就像碧昂斯, 我们可以观察并模仿专家所做。这些观察、映射和调整属于学习区。 最终,我们可以通过和他人分享希冀在何处取得进步,通过询问未知的问题,通过征求反馈,通过分享我们曾经犯过的错,和从中汲取的教训,为彼此营造一个低风险的状态,这样他人也会安心地做同样的事。


Real confidence is about modeling ongoing learning. What if, instead of spending our lives doing, doing, doing, performing, performing, performing, we spent more time exploring, asking, listening, experimenting, reflecting, striving and becoming? What if we each always had something we were working to improve? What if we created more low-stakes islands and waters?

进步的奥秘就在规范现行的学习行为中。如果,我们没有把时间耗费在做事、表现、输出上而是更多地去探索、询问、倾听、 实践、斟酌、拼命去成为想成为的人会怎么样如果我们每个人,都有某些事情 让我们可为之努力,从而提高呢


And what if we got clear, within ourselves and with our teammates, about when we seek to learn and when we seek to perform, so that our efforts can become more consequential, our improvement never-ending and our best even better?
