Blank Space: 虚位以待

与其让别人非议,倒不如先声夺人“自黑”反击。今天要分享的是来自于霉霉Taylor Swift的这首自黑神曲Blank Space。歌词颇具嘲讽意味。据说这首歌的灵感正是来自于媒体对霉霉的各种负面报道。这些报道空穴来风,对她进行了各种丑化。而这首歌用自嘲的方式对媒体进行了反击。




Nice to meet you, where you been? 很高兴认识你 真是相见恨晚

I could show you incredible things我能为你带来极致的美妙体验

Magic, madness, heaven, sin充满魔法 疯狂 天堂还有罪恶

Saw you there and I thought看见你后我就在想

Oh my God, look at that face偶滴神啊 这脸蛋多么帅气

You look like my next mistake你将是我又一段错误恋情

Love's a game, wanna play? 爱情是一场游戏 想来玩吗

New money, suit & tie衣冠楚楚 物质享受

I can read you like a magazine不需太多了解 随意翻阅你

Ain't it funny, rumors, lie不 这些都只是可笑的流言蜚语

And I know you heard about me我知道 你大概听过那样的我

So hey, let's be friends那好吧 我们先从朋友做起

I'm dying to see how this one ends我期待看看结局如何



duke it out 进行唇枪舌剑的争辩;大打出手,分个输赢;一决高下


The two best debate teams are ready to duke it out.



come out swinging

come out走出来,swinging,是动词swing(挥动)的现在分词,做状语,表示伴随的状态;come out swinging就是起源于拳击比赛,有一种拳击选手很厉害,一出场就挥动双拳如同猛虎般地扑向对方,发动猛烈的进攻,所以人们把这种猛攻对方的拳击方式称为 come out swinging;之后这个词组慢慢地不再形容拳头相向,而是偏向于口头攻击那种汹汹的气势。



Politicians come out swinging contending for the seats in the House of Representatives and one-third of those in the Senate of the US Congress.
