




He started with 30 days in jail, after confessing to the judge that he burned 1 million Canadian dollars in cash, so that he didnt have to pay child or spousal support due to a divorce settlement



Bruce McConville, 55, said in Ottawa Superior Court last week that he withdrew about $750,000 in American dollars in 25 separate withdrawals from six different accounts. He says that he burned $743,000 on Sept. 23 and $296,000 on Dec. 15, inn two separate bonfires.

上周,55岁的布鲁斯·麦康维尔(Bruce McConville)在渥太华高级法院上说道,他从6个不同的银行账户中分25次提取了现金,共计75万美元。而后分两次烧毁:923日烧毁74.3万加元,1215日烧毁29.6加元。




He claims that he has the receipts to prove the amount of money that he took out of the account. He does not have proof of the bonfires though, or any witnesses.



Can I back you up a bit? When you say you destroyed it, what do you mean? Superior Court Justice Kevin Phillips asked, to which McConville replied: I burnt it.

“请问你说毁掉这笔钱是什么意思?”最高法院法官凯文·菲利普斯(Kevin Phillips)问道。麦康维尔回道:“我烧了它。”


Its not something that I would normally do, McConville said, according to Ottawa Citizen. I am not a person that is extremely materialistic. A little goes a long way. I have always been frugal. Thats why my business lasted for 31 years.



I dont believe you. I dont trust you. I dont think youre honest, the judge told him. I find what you have done to be morally reprehensible because what you claim to have done willfully and directly undermines the interests of your children.





Some of the money earned was from a sale of properties and businesses to his accountant, which is a direct violation of the court order to not sell his assets. McConville also refuses to file an affidavit to the court disclosing his finances.



The judge sentenced McConville to 30 days in jail for violating the court orders. He ordered McConville to pay $2,000 a day to his ex-wife for every day he fails to disclose his finances to the court moving forward.



McConville ran for mayor of the Canadian capital city in 2018 on a tough-on-crime platform but failed to oust incumbent Jim Watson, whos held the office since 2010.


