TED | 全世界浪费食物的丑闻



Tristram是Feeding the 5000的创始人,并且获得2011年国际环境奖苏菲奖。西方国家扔掉了近一半的食物,不是因为它不可食用 - 而是因为它看起来并不吸引人。 崔斯特瑞姆·斯图尔特深入研究了浪费食物的令人震惊的数据,他认为减少食物浪费最好的方法不是厌氧发酵也不是堆肥,而是吃掉它、享受它。他呼吁更负责任地利用全球资源。






Fish, 40 to 60 percent of European fish are discarded at sea, they dont even get landed. In our homes, weve lost touch with food. This is an experiment I did on three lettuces. Who keeps lettuces in their fridge?



Most people. The one on the left was kept in a fridge for 10 days. The one in the middle, on my kitchen table. Not much difference. The one on the right I treated like cut flowers. Its a living organism, cut the slice off, stuck it in a vase of water, it was all right for another two weeks after this.



Some food waste, as I said at the beginning, will inevitably arise, so the question is, what is the best thing to do with it? I answered that question when I was 15. In fact, humans answered that question 6,000 years ago: We domesticated pigs to turn food waste back into food.



And yet, in Europe, that practice has become illegal since 2001 as are result of the foot-and-mouth outbreak. Its unscientific. Its unnecessary. If you cook food for pigs, just as if you cook food for humans, it is rendered safe. Its also a massive saving of resources.



At the moment, Europe depends on importing millions of tons of soy from South America, where its production contributes to global warming, to deforestation, to biodiversity loss, to feed livestock here in Europe. At the same time we throw away millions of tons of food waste which we could and should be feeding them.



If we did that, and fed it to pigs, we would save that amount of carbon. If we feed our food waste which is the current government favorite way of getting rid of food waste, to anaerobic digestion, which turns food waste into gas to produce electricity, you save a paltry 448 kilograms of carbon dioxide per ton of food waste. Its much better to feed it to pigs. We knew that during the war.



A silver lining: It has kicked off globally, the quest to tackle food waste. Feeding the 5,000 is an event I first organized in 2009. We fed 5,000 people all on food that otherwise would have been wasted.



Since then, its happened again in London, its happening internationally, and across the country. Its a way of organizations coming together to celebrate food, to say the best thing to do with food is to eat and enjoy it, and to stop wasting it.



For the sake of the planet we live on, for the sake of our children, for the sake of all the other organisms that share our planet with us, we are a terrestrial animal, and we depend on our land for food. At the moment, we are trashing our land to grow food that no one eats. Stop wasting food. Thank you very much.
