TED | 不读书的人到底输在哪?



书籍有一种超乎寻常的力量让人感到放松,开拓视野,并学会从不同的角度去看待这个世界!爱好阅读的女孩Ann Morgan决定用一年的时间尝试去阅读来自世界上每一个国家的一本书。为了达成这个目标,她利用社交平台发出了求助信息,接下来发生的一幕幕故事令她感动,从中她真切地感受到:“如果你想阅读整个世界,你要以一种开放的和谦卑的心态去迎接它,那么整个世界就会来帮助你。”






When it came to São Tomé and Príncipe, it was a chance not only to learn something new and discover a new collection of stories, but also to bring together a group of people and facilitate a joint creative endeavor. My weakness had become the projects strength.

说到圣多美岛和普林西比岛 ,不单是一个学习新知识的机会 ,探索新文学作品的机会 还将人们聚集起来 ,团结起来创新努力的机会,我的局限反倒成了这个项目的优势。


The books I read that year opened my eyes to many things. As those who enjoy reading will know, books have an extraordinary power to take you out of yourself and into someone elses mindset, so that, for a while at least, you look at the world through different eyes.

那一年我看过的书开拓了我的视野。那些享受阅读的人就能体会,书籍有着强大能力把你带出自我,进入别人的思想。所以,至少有一段时间 你能看到别人眼中的世界。


That can be an uncomfortable experience, particularly if youre reading a book from a culture that may have quite different values to your own. But it can also be really enlightening. Wrestling with unfamiliar ideas can help clarify your own thinking. And it can also show up blind spots in the way you might have been looking at the world.

这或许不会是一段好过的经历。尤其是你在读一本文化上与自己的观念大为不同的书 。但它却可能很有启发性。与不熟悉的想法产生碰撞,能帮你更好认识自己的想法,也能帮你告诉自己在你看到这个世界的方式上有哪些盲点。


When I looked back at much of the English-language literature Id grown up with, for example, I began to see how narrow a lot of it was, compared to the richness that the world has to offer.



And as the pages turned, something else started to happen, too. Little by little, that long list of countries that Id started the year with, changed from a rather dry, academic register of place names into living, breathing entities.

每翻一页 ,便长一智 ,积少成多,我年初列出的国家列表从一些列枯燥充满学术的地名,变成了活生生会呼吸的实体。


Now, I dont want to suggest that its at all possible to get a rounded picture of a country simply by reading one book. But cumulatively, the stories I read that year made me more alive than ever before to the richness, diversity and complexity of our remarkable planet. It was as though the worlds stories and the people whod gone to such lengths to help me read them had made it real to me.



These days, when I look at my bookshelves or consider the works on my e-reader, they tell a rather different story. Its the story of the power books have to connect us across political, geographical, cultural, social, religious divides. Its the tale of the potential human beings have to work together.

这些天来,当我看着我的书架的时候 ,或者在我的电子阅读器上思考这些作品时,它们在诉说这一个不一样的故事。这是一个关于书籍的故事。书能将我们联系在一起,跨越政治,区域,文化,社会,宗教的隔阂,它是人们拥有协同工作的潜能的故事。


And, its testament to the extraordinary times we live in, where, thanks to the Internet, it's easier than ever before for a stranger to share a story, a worldview, a book with someone she may never meet, on the other side of the planet. I hope its a story I'm reading for many years to come.

还有,它是一个证明的故事,证明了我们现在的这个时代,由于有互联网,让一切变得前所未有的方便——让一个陌生人来与来自地球另一半素未谋面的另一陌生人 ,分享一个故事,一种世界观,一本书。我希望这是一个我阅读这么多年所追求的故事。


And I hope many more people will join me. If we all read more widely, thered be more incentive for publishers to translate more books, and we would all be richer for that.Thank you
