TED | 如何实现工作与生活平衡?

How to make work-life balance work




2014 | 奈吉尔·马什认为,工作与生活的平衡因其重要性而决不能置之他人之手,比如你的雇主。在悉尼的TED大会上,马什勾勒出一幅美好图景:完美的一天建立在与家人相处,个人发展以及工作三者之间的平衡之上;进而他鼓励人们让这一理想变为现实。





Now that can be daunting. Because people say, "Bloody hell mate, I haven't got time to get fit. You want me to go to church and call my mother." And I understand. I truly understand how that can be daunting. But an incident that happened a couple of years ago gave me a new perspective.

这可能看起来相当艰巨。人们会说:“拜托伙计,我连锻炼的时间都没有,你却要我去教堂、给老妈打电话。” 我很理解。我真的很理解,对人们来说这的确挺艰巨。 但两年前有件小事却给了我一个崭新的视角


My wife, who is somewhere in the audience today, called me up at the office and said, "Nigel, you need to pick our youngest son" -- Harry -- "up from school." Because she had to be somewhere else with the other three children for that evening. So I left work an hour early that afternoon and picked Harry up at the school gates. We walked down to the local park, messed around on the swings, played some silly games. I then walked him up the hill to the local cafe, and we shared a pizza for two, then walked down the hill to our home, and I gave him his bath and put him in his Batman pajamas. I then read him a chapter of Roald Dahl's "James and the Giant Peach."

我妻子就坐在下面一天她给我的办公室打电话说 “奈吉尔,你得去学校 接我们的小儿子哈里。” 因为那天晚上她和其他三个孩子在一起。于是那天下午我提前一小时下班在校门口接到哈里。我们去了公园,在秋千上闹了一阵,做了些傻傻的游戏。 然后我带他上了一座小山到了当地的一家咖啡馆,我们点了茶和比萨,吃完就下山回家,我给他洗了个澡,给他穿上蝙蝠侠睡衣。然后我给他读了一章 Roald Dahl的《詹姆斯与飞天巨桃》。


I then put him to bed, tucked him in, gave him a kiss on his forehead and said, "Goodnight, mate," and walked out of his bedroom. As I was walking out of his bedroom, he said, "Dad?" I went, "Yes, mate?" He went, "Dad, this has been the best day of my life, ever." I hadn't done anything, hadn't taken him to Disney World or bought him a Playstation.

然后我铺好床,安顿好他, 吻了他的额头,说了声“晚安,伙计。” 然后走出他的卧室。 正当我走到门口的时候,他叫了声老爸。“什么事,伙计?” 他说,“老爸,这是我一生中 最棒的一天,最棒的。” 其实我什么也没做。我没带他去迪斯尼乐园,也没给他买游戏机。


Now my point is the small things matter. Being more balanced doesn't mean dramatic upheaval in your life. With the smallest investment in the right places, you can radically transform the quality of your relationships and the quality of your life. Moreover, I think, it can transform society.

我想说的是,小事并非无关紧要。在生活中实现平衡并不意味着你要大张旗鼓的颠覆你的生活。在适当的地方做些小小的投资,你就能极大地改善你的人际关系 和生活质量。不仅如此,我认为这还能改变整个社会。


Because if enough people do it, we can change society's definition of success away from the moronically simplistic notion that the person with the most money when he dies wins, to a more thoughtful and balanced definition of what a life well lived looks like. And that, I think, is an idea worth spreading.

因为,如果很多人都如此生活,那么我们就可以重新对社会上的所谓“成功”进行定义:成功不再是以死后财产的多少来愚蠢地衡量; 成功应该有一个更具平衡性和思想性的定义,即一个美好的生活的实现。我认为这的确是一个值得与众人分享的点子。