




WeChat has taken over so many facets of Chinas culture, and also fundamentally changed our mindset and behavior in how we interact with the people around us, in both positive and negative ways.



Of the many functions on WeChat, Moments is one for people to share their updated life with friends in the form of words and pictures. The updater can choose to show their posted content to a certain range of people. Those who cannot see the Moments of the updater are considered blocked.





It was all fine in the beginning, but things started to alter when company culture mixed with this social platform. Office workers are often asked to friend their colleagues through WeChat, which is still understandable. What's tricky is that when one feels like updating their Moments, whether to block colleagues becomes a question. Of course, different people make different choices. But after all, its a personal matter.



Its a personal matter until some companies blur the boundaries and make unreasonable rules. Recently, a netizen said on Sina Weibo that his/her company has made rules for Moments, banning workers from blocking their colleagues when posting updates. Anyone who violates the rule will be fined 100 yuan.



The netizen said in an interview that all the rules concerning the fine are made verbally instead of being written in the employee handbook. Ridiculously, his/her company even stopped making an employee handbook because some time ago, one employee took the company to court, using the handbook as evidence.






This piece of news has sparked huge discussions online.



One netizen responded: This emphasizes the importance of having two WeChat accounts.





Another one commented: My Moments, my say. I will update whatever I feel like, and will block whoever I want to block. I hope everyone could get along well with each other.





Some said they don’t block. They update their content to certain friend groups.




