TED | 如何建立自信并且影响他人



教育家兼活动家布列塔尼·帕克内特说:“在随后的事情发生之前,信心是必要的火花。” 在激动人心的演讲中,她分享了三种破解信心的方法 - 以及她对一个革命信心有助于将我们最雄心勃勃的梦想变为现实的世界的梦想。





So how do we crack the code on confidence? In my estimation, it takes at least three things: permission, community and curiosity. Permission births confidence, community nurtures it and curiosity affirms it. In education, weve got a saying, that you cant be what you cant see. When I was a little girl, I couldnt show confidence until someone showed me.



My family used to do everything together, including the mundane things, like buying a new car, and every time we did this, Id watch my parents put on the exact same performance. Wed enter the dealership, and my dad would sit while my mom shopped. When my mom found a car that she liked, theyd go in and meet with the dealer, and inevitably, every time the dealer would turn his attention and his body to my dad, assuming that he controlled the purse strings and therefore this negotiation.



Rev.Packnett, theyd say, how do we get you into this car today? My dad would inevitably respond the same way. Hed slowly and silently gesture toward my mother and then put his hands right back in his lap. It might have been the complete shock of negotiating finances with a black woman in the 80s, but whatever it was, Id watch my mother work these car dealers over until they were basically giving the car away for free.



She would never crack a smile. She would never be afraid to walk away. I know my mom just thought she was getting a good deal on a minivan, but what she was actually doing was giving me permission to defy expectations and to show up confidently in my skill no matter who doubts me.



Confidence needs permission to exist and community is the safest place to try confidence on.



I traveled to Kenya this year to learn about womens empowerment among Maasai women. There I met a group of young women called Team Lioness, among Kenyas first all-female community ranger groups. These eight brave young women were making history in just their teenage years.



And I asked Purity, the most verbose young ranger among them, Do you ever get scared? I swear to you, I want to tattoo her response allover my entire body. She said, Of course I do, but I call on my sisters. They remind me that we will be better than these men and that we will not fail.



Puritys confidence to chase down lions and catch poachers, it didnt come from her athletic ability or even just her faith. Her confidence was propped up by sisterhood, by community. What she was basically saying was that if I am ever in doubt, I need you to be there to restore my hope and to rebuild my certainty.



In community, I can find my confidence and your curiosity can affirm it. Early in my career, I led a large-scale event that did not go exactly as planned. Im lying to you. It was terrible.



And when I debriefed the event with my manager, I just knew that she was going to rundown the list of every mistake I had ever made, probably from birth. But instead, she opened with a question: What was your intention? I was surprised but relieved. She knew that I was already beating myself up, and that question invited me to learn from my own mistakes instead of damage my already fragile confidence.



Curiosity invites people to be in charge of their own learning. That exchange, it helped me approach my next project with the expectation of success. Permission, community, curiosity: all of these are the things that we will need to breed the confidence that well absolutely need to solve our greatest challenges and to build the world we dream.



A world where inequity is ended and where justice is real, a world where we can be free on the outside and free on the inside because we know that none of us are free until all of us are free. A world that isnt intimidated by confidence when it shows up as a woman or in black skin or in anything other than our preferred archetypes of leadership. A world that knows that that kind of confidence is exactly the key we need to unlock the future that we want.
