TED | 成为机会制造者



随着网络科技的发达,我们的生活和工作也比以前便捷许多,似乎很多事情只需一个人就能完成,点餐、出行,甚至交友,我们变得越来越足不出户,跟人打交道的频率在一点点减少。。。而这期的TED演讲嘉宾Kare Anderson就结合她自身克服害羞的经历呼吁我们,走出去,与各式各样的人合作,反而会有更多的惊喜。一起来看看吧。







And here's a strange thing: Unlike an increasing number of Americans who are working and living and playing with people who think exactly like them because we then become more rigid and extreme, opportunity-makers are actively seeking situations with people unlike them, and they're building relationships, and because they do that,they have trusted relationships where they can bring the right team in and recruit them to solve a problem better and faster and seize more opportunities.



They're not affronted by differences. They're fascinated by them,and that is a huge shift in mindset, and once you feel it, you want it to happen a lot more. This world is calling out for us to have a collective mindset, and I believe in doing that. It's especially important now. Why is it important now?



Because things can be devised like drones and drugs and data collection, and they can be devised by more people. and cheaper ways for beneficial purposes and then, as we know from the news every day, they can be used for dangerous ones. It calls on us, each of us, to a higher calling.



But here's the icing on the cake: It's not just the first opportunity that you do with somebody else that's probably your greatest, as an institution or an individual. It's after you've had that experience and you trust each other. It's the unexpected things that you devise later on you never could have predicted.



For example, Marty is the husband of that actress I mentioned, and he watched them when they were practicing, and he was soon talking to Wally, my friend the ex-con, about that exercise regime. And he thought, I have a set of racquetball courts. That guy could teach it. A lot of people who work there are members at my courts.They're frequent travelers. They could practice in their hotel room, no equipment provided.



That's how Wally got hired.Not only that, years later he was also teaching racquetball.Years after that, he was teaching the racquetball teachers.What I'm suggesting is, when you connect with people around a shared interest and action, you're accustomed to serendipitous things happening into the future,and I think that's what we're looking at.



We open ourselves up to those opportunities,and in this room are key players and technology,key players who are uniquely positioned to do this,to scale systems and projects together.

面对机会 我们敞开心胸,这里(演讲现场)有许多厉害的科技业关键人物,他们有得天独厚的优势,能一起衡量机制和计划。


So here's what I'm calling for you to do. Remember the three traits of opportunity-makers.Opportunity-makers keep honing their top strength and they become pattern seekers.They get involved in different worlds than their worlds so they're trusted and they can see those patterns, and they communicate to connect around sweet spots of shared interest.



So what I'm asking you is, the world is hungry. I truly believe, in my firsthand experience, the world is hungry for us to unite together as opportunity-makers and to emulate those behaviors as so many of you already do, I know that firsthand, and to reimagine a world where we use our best talents together more often to accomplish greater thing together than we could on our own.

我想告诉各位的是,这个世界非常“饥饿”。根据我第一手的经验,我真的相信,这个世界非常渴望我们能一起成为机会创造者,并效仿那些行为,就像在座许多人所做的 -- 我知道,因为我有第一手经验 -- 去重新构想一个世界,我们都能运用各自的长处,去不断地成就大事,而这会比我们单打独斗能成就更大的事。


Just remember,as Dave Liniger once said,You can't succeed coming to the potluck with only a fork.
