TED | 改变命运的那个机会


对你来说,改变命运的机会是什么?是高考,跳槽,还是到另一个国家生活?本期TED的演讲者Christopher Ategeka,作为一个曾经在乌干达郊区生活的小孩,到后来被外国夫妇领养并考上美国大学,会结合自身经历跟我们分享,这个改变他命运的机会给他带来的改变和感悟。






Then there was "The Daily Show."On a nightly basis, Jon Stewart forced me to be intellectually honest withmyself about my own bigotry and helped me to realize that a person's race,religion or sexual orientation had nothing to do with the quality of one'scharacter. He was in many ways a father figure to me when I was in desperateneed of one. Inspiration can often come from an unexpected place, and the factthat a Jewish comedian had done more to positively influence my worldview thanmy own extremist father is not lost on me.



Going to America opened doors for me tolive up to my full God-given potential. I remember when I arrived, the sponsorfamily embraced me, and they literally had to teach me everything from scratch:this is a microwave, that's a refrigerator -- things I'd never seen before. Andit was also the first time I got immersed into a new and different culture.These strangers showed me true love. These strangers showed me that I mattered,that my dreams mattered.

美国向我敞开了大门让我能够发挥自己最大的潜力。我记得我刚到的时候,我的资助家庭迎接了我,然后他们就把一切从头开始教给我:这是一个微波炉,那是一个冰箱——那些都是我以前闻所未闻的东西。那也是我第一次 被放置在全新的文化环境当中。这些陌生人向我展示了真正的关爱。这些陌生人让我明白,我很重要 我的梦想很重要。


Thank you.



These individuals had two of their ownbiological children. And when I came in, I had needs. They had to teach meEnglish, teach me literally everything, which resulted in them spending a lotof time with me. And that created a little bit of jealousy with their children.So, if you're a parent in this room, and you have those teenager children whodon't want anything to do with your love and affection -- in fact, they find itrepulsive -- I got a solution: adopt a child.

他们有两个亲生孩子。当我走进他们家庭的时候,我急需帮助。他们要教我英文,教我几乎所有的事情,这导致他们要在我的身上 花费很多的精力。而这致使他们的亲生孩子对我产生了一丝妒忌。所以,如果你们有人是家长,而你又有这样一群青少年小孩 他们对你们的爱和关心置若罔闻 事实上,还对你们很冷淡 我有一个办法: 领养一个孩子。


It will solve the problem.



I went on to acquire two engineeringdegrees from one of the best institutions in the world. I've got to tell you:talent is universal, but opportunities are not. And I credit this to theindividuals who embrace multiculturalism, love, empathy and compassion forothers. We live in a world filled with hate: building walls, Brexit, xenophobiahere on the African continent. Multiculturalism can be an answer to many ofthese worst human qualities.

在一所世界一流学府中 我习得了两个工程师学位。我必须要说: 天赋人人都有,但机会一缘难求。我想要赞美 那些拥抱多元文化的人,那些关爱,理解并且同情他人的人。我们生活在一个充满憎恨的世界上:高筑围墙,英国脱欧,非洲大陆的仇外心理。而这些人类最负面的东西 都可以被多元文化海涵。


Today, I challenge you to help a youngchild experience multiculturalism. I guarantee you that will enrich their life,and in turn, it will enrich yours. And as a bonus, one of them may even give aTED Talk.

今天,我挑战你们在座的观众们 去帮助一个年轻的孩子 感受多元文化的魅力。我保证那会充实他的生活,作为回报,你们的生活也会得到升华。而作为奖励,他们其中之一也许还会在TED演讲。


We may not be able to solve the bigotry andthe racism of this world today, but certainly we can raise children to create apositive, inclusive, connected world full of empathy, love and compassion.

我们也许无力解决 当今社会的种族歧视与偏见,但我们完全可以引导我们的孩子 去创建一个积极的,包容的,紧密相连的世界。那里将充满理解,关爱,同情。


Love wins.



Thank you.
