




Sitting in a restaurant in San Francisco, California, Ma was trying to come up with a name for his new business venture, and wanted a name that would be universally recognisable. He had asked the waitress what she knew about Alibaba, and she had said "Open Sesame." That was exactly what Ma was trying to do in his business - open doors to new opportunities, so Alibaba was the perfect fit. Ma liked the name because in the story "Alibaba was a kind, smart business person, and he helped the village." That was Ma's goal, to make a difference to the lives of China's rural poor, and that is exactly what he has done.  



Alibaba offers a model for helping the rural poor as it has changed lives by enabling local producers to put their products on the internet. Farmers or local manufacturers who previously could only sell their goods within their local vicinity, were suddenly able to market their goods to millions of potential Chinese customers. It expanded local businesses beyond what anyone imagined, and later opened them up to the rest of the world. This is a model that Ma is now sharing with African entrepreneurs, who are eager to learn from invaluable experience.




Now at the age of 54, Ma believes that after working night and day for years, it is time to pass the torch to the younger generation, whom he has been grooming to take over the opportunities and challenges of his business. I have been very lucky, but one may not be lucky all the time. So I am giving the challenge to those who are young and smarter. They may even do a better job than me! he said.



While 54 seems a very young age to retire, Ma has a panopoly of causes he wants to take on, everything from combating poaching in Africa by capacitating rangers, to building a groundswell of continent wide entrepreneurs across the African continent.



But I was more interested in whether Ma was going to afford himself the luxury of relaxing and enjoying the natural things life has to offer. I told him my idea of fun was to go to the African bush and watch elephants drinking and frolicking at a waterhole - a prospect he greeted with great enthusiasm. "The important part of the plan after you retire is to have fun - to go into nature, drink some wine, look up at the sky and enjoy the stars. If you cant enjoy life, then what example are you setting for other business leaders," Ma told me.  



I pushed the boundaries even further by asking him whether he believes in a higher power, to which he promptly replied that he has great respect for, and has read the Bible. He also believes in Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and certainly believes there is an after life. For Ma religion is a source of wisdom for human beings, and at the top, they are all the same. "Buddhism teaches there is a next life, and if we do well in this life it will be good for us in the next life."  



But beyond his religious convictions, I was particularly eager to know what someone who is considered to be one of the richest men alive believes to be the true meaning of life. To this his answer was quite simple - We only stay in the world for 80 to 100 years if we are lucky, and it is all about the people we meet and the tough days we have been through. I told the founders of Alibaba that it is more about how life was, not so much about how much we have achieved.





The final words of wisdom Ma imparted to me will stay with me always: It is not money I worked for, or reputation or fame, it is to feel happy, to do whats right, and have fun. If that isnt inspirational then I dont know what is.


