TED | 放下偏见,拆掉你心里的墙



设计师亚历山德拉 · 欧尔(Alexandra Auer)指出,现代国家之间的墙比世界第二大战结束时还要多。而当你筑起一堵墙时,你不知不觉的还筑起了第二堵——一堵在我们脑海中划分出了“他们”和“我们”, 并且承诺给我们带来安全感的墙。欧尔在两所被围栏所分离的小学进行了一个社会设计项目,此项目不仅给我们带来了有趣的实验成果,还鼓励我们放下本有的偏见来看待大家所拥有的共同点。






One global trend we are currently experiencing is the rise of gated communities. And in a way, gated communities can be seen the same exact way as countries, just on the small scale - neighborhoods surrounded by walls and fences to protect citizens from other citizens - and the only difference is, it's by choice.



But the physical and mental effects on the people living inside and the people kept outside are the same, separating cities, neighborhoods and even playgrounds.



In the spring of last year, I worked on a design project in Brussels at two elementary schools where this was the case. Both the schools share an entrance and the schoolyard. Both schools teach in Dutch.



But one school is mainly visited by Belgian children, and the other school, by immigrant children. The schools are separated by walls and fences, leaving the children no point of interaction other than this fence on the schoolyard that separates them.



When I started to work there, it made me sad to see children having to stand at a fence to talk to their friend on the other side. But what's even worse is that most of the children will never get the opportunity to even make a friend on the other side.



School should be the place where children, all children, come together and learn -- learn from the teacher, but more importantly, learn from each other. And the more diversity, the more there is to learn.



In fact, school might be the only time in our lives where establishing a contact despite social differences is even possible. Separating children during this time of their development will make integration extremely difficult, if not impossible.



And yet, somehow, I seem to be the only one having a problem with this fence in Brussels. Most of the parents, teachers and children stopped seeing or at least questioning the structure. It's just how it is. Nobody has ever seen it differently. And people are in favor of it.



I once asked a boy if he would like to play with the other side, and he said, “No.” Then I asked if he would play with them if the fence wasn’t there, and he said, “Probably.” But then he quickly added that the fence should stay, because the other side is mean and they never give back his ball.



It’s funny, because I talked to children from both sides, and everyone told me that the other side is mean because they never give back the ball. The children on both sides dislike each other, and there are regularly arguments breaking out at this fence, which is also the main reason why people feel the need for it to be there:



It protects the children from each other, or at least their toys, and it prevents chaos. At some point, the children started to crawl beneath the fence to get their ball back, and the reaction of the schools was to put these metal plates there. Now they climb over.
