小行星近距离划过地球 | 一周看点









It was already close to Earth at this point, and the probability of a collision was calculated at around 10 percent. At its size, it would have burnt up on atmospheric entry, so it posed no threat to humans anyway.


But the asteroid's trajectory would bring it very close to the geostationary ring, the volume of space around Earth in which bodies can maintain geostationary orbit. That space is packed with satellites.


On April 28, this asteroid - later named 2020 HS7 - skimmed past Earth at a distance around nine times closer than the average distance of the Moon.

4月28日,这颗后来被命名为2020 HS7的小行星掠过地球,最近距离比地月平均距离近9倍。

At a distance of 42,735 kilometres (26,554 miles) from the centre of Earth - the Earth-Moon distance is 384,400 kilometres (238,855 miles) from centre to centre on average - 2020 HS7 pulled off one of the closest asteroid flybys weve ever seen.

地心到月球中心的地月平均距离是384,400千米(238,855英里),2020 HS7距地心最近距离是42,735千米(26,554英里),是我们所见过的掠过地球时距离最近的小行星。

And it skimmed the nearest satellite by just 1,200 kilometres (746 miles). That may sound a bit scary, but neither we nor our satellites were in any particular danger.














It’s been known since at least early March that dogs can become infected with COVID-19. Back then, a Pomeranian was known to have contracted a “low-level” infection of the disease after its owner became sick. And late last month, two cats in New York had also been reported to be infected with the disease.


But now a scientist at the World Health Organization says we need to add another pet to the list: ferrets, reports Bloomberg. Unfortunately, cats, dogs, and now ferrets are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the list of animals susceptible to COVID-19.


While they represent the pets that can come down with the virus, there is also a growing number of wild animals that have caught the disease. The first was a Malayan tiger at the Bronx Zoo, and that infection was quickly followed by three more tigers and three lions that also came down with the disease. Separately, a mink is also known to be infected with the disease.


The WHO report adds that, as of now, it appears that cats and ferrets are more susceptible to the disease than dogs are, while the CDC says that at this time there is still no evidence that animals play a significant role in spreading the disease.















When the COVID-19 pandemic began its spread earlier this year, some of the worst horror stories about the disease came from people trapped on cruise ships. Unsurprisingly then, cruise companies were also some of the worst-hit businesses when the economic fallout from the pandemic began to hit.


But apparently the prospect of being stuck on a boat full of infected people isn’t enough to deter some people from going back out to sea as soon as possible, reports TMZ. The publication says a representative from Cruise Planners, an American Express travel company, has revealed bookings for Carnival Cruises in August have surged.

但据TMZ(娱乐新闻网站)报道,显然,可能被困在满是感染人群的船上这件事并不足以阻止有些人尽快又往海上跑。文章中说来自美国运通公司的旅游公司Cruise Planners的一名代表透露,八月份嘉年华游轮的预定量激增。

Last week Carnival announced that some of its cruises could resume in August. Since that announcement, the Cruise Planners representative says, Carnival bookings shot up 600% compared to the previous three days before news of August Carnival trips were announced.

上周嘉年华游轮公司宣布邮轮会在八月份恢复。Cruise Planners的这名代表说自从宣布这一消息以后,嘉年华游轮的预定量与宣布要恢复的之前三天相比暴增了600%。













It goes without saying, but this puzzle is definitely not your average afternoon activity. Since all 570 pieces are the same red hue of the famous Heinz ketchup, putting it together might take a while since there are no images or lines to guide you.


The thing about this all red Heinz puzzle is that you can't just order it online or pick it up from the store, because puzzles are so popular right now Heinz is only offering this one through an online giveaway. There are 57 puzzles available total, in honor of the 57 varieties of Heinz that is labeled on every bottle.


To win one of these torture kits puzzles, all you have to do is comment on the Heinz Instagram post showing off the red box who you would finish the puzzle with. It looks like a few people in the comments section have already won theirs, so it's unclear how many of the 57 are still available.


Either way, you might as well comment and see if you get lucky. After all, if you get your hands on a puzzle it'll keep you busy for a couple days at least!
