TED | 有压力时如何保持镇静



人在面临压力时,头脑往往被乌云覆盖,导致思维不够清晰,从而难以作出正确和理性的判断。Daniel Levitin先生这次在TED演讲台上将和大家分享他的一次尴尬经历,一组惊人的数据和一个绝妙的方法来教大家如何做到处乱不惊,临危不惧。






So I started thinking about that, but my thoughts didnt crystallize until about a month later. I was having dinner with my colleague, Danny Kahneman, the Nobel Prize winner, and I somewhat embarrassedly told him about having broken my window, and, you know, forgotten my passport, and Danny shared with me that hed been practicing something called prospective hindsight.



Its something that he had gotten from the psychologist Gary Klein,who had written about it a few years before, also called the pre-mortem. Now, you all know what the postmortem is. Whenever theres a disaster, a team of experts come in and they try to figure out what went wrong, right? Well, in the pre-mortem, Danny explained, you look ahead and you try to figure out all the things that could go wrong, and then you try to figure out what you can do to prevent those things from happening, or to minimize the damage.

这是他从心理学家Gary Klein那里学到的。Gary前几年已经写了这个理论,也称为事前剖析。你们都知道事后剖析是什么意思。每当有灾难, 一个专家小组就会前去调查,尝试找出导致灾难的原因,对吧Danny解释,在事前剖析中,你要预测,尝试想出可能出错的所有事情,然后你要尝试可能的方法来防止这些错误发生,或将损失降到最小。


So what I want to talk to you about today are some of the things we can do in the form of a pre-mortem. Some of them are obvious, some of them are not so obvious. Ill start with the obvious ones.

所以,今天我想和你们谈谈关于在事前剖析中,我们能做的一些事情。有些方式是显而易见的, 而有些则不那么明显。我先谈显而易见的方式。


Around the home, designate a place for things that are easily lost. Now, this sounds like common sense, and it is, but theres a lot of science to back this up, based on the way our spatial memory works.Theres a structure in the brain called the hippocampus, that evolved over tens of thousands of years, to keep track of the locations of important things - where the well is, where fish can be found, that stand of fruit trees, where the friendly and enemy tribes live.



The hippo campus is the part of the brain that in London taxicab drivers becomes enlarged. Its the part of the brain that allows squirrels to find their nuts. And if youre wondering,somebody actually did the experiment where they cut off the olfactory sense of the squirrels, and they could still find their nuts. They werent using smell, they were using the hippo campus,this exquisitely evolved mechanism in the brain for finding things.But its really good for things that dont move around much, not so good for things that move around.



So this is why we lose car keys and reading glasses and passports. So in the home, designate a spot for your keys - a hook by the door, maybe a decorative bowl. For your passport, a particular drawer. For your reading glasses, a particular table. If you designate a spot and youre scrupulous about it, your things will always be there when you look for them.

这就是为什么我们会常常找不到车钥匙、老花镜和护照。所以,在家里指定一个地点存放你的钥匙——门上的挂钩,或是一个装饰碗。在一个特定的抽屉存放你的护照。你的老花镜要放在特定的桌子上。 如果你指定了特定的地方,并且一丝不苟地做这些事,当你寻找它们时, 这些东西总是会在那里。


What about travel? Take a cell phone picture of your credit cards,your drivers license, your passport, mail it to yourself so its in the cloud. If these things are lost or stolen, you can facilitate replacement.



Now these are some rather obvious things. Remember, when youre under stress, the brain releases cortisol. Cortisol is toxic, and it causes cloudy thinking. So part of the practice of the pre-mortem is to recognize that under stress youre not going to beat your best, and you should put systems in place.
