





1. 不要随便把朋友的微信账号给陌生人。

Don't share your friends' WeChat accounts with strangers.



2. 不要随便拉新人进私密群,拉之前问一下大家。

Don't suddenly add someone new to a private group chat. Ask other members for their consent first.


3. 如果你还有某人的微信消息放着没回复,不要在回复前发朋友圈

If you left someone's messages unanswered, don't post anything new on Moments before you answer them.




4. 谁先加的微信,谁就应该自报家门。

If you make the move to add someone else, tell them who you are first.


5. 不要给别人很久以前的朋友圈点赞,别人会觉得你在调查他。

Don't give a thumbs-up to posts that someone put up long time ago. It makes people feel like you're investigating them.



6. 修图不要只修自己,也不要把朋友修得太失真。

Don't only do photo editing on yourself in a group photo. And don't edit other people's photos beyond recognition.


7. 取关就直接取关,特地留言说“取关”很幼稚,而且很可能是在高估自己在对方心里的重要程度。

If you want to unfollow someone, just unfollow them. It's really childish to tell them that you're about to unfollow them. And chances are high that you are overestimating how much you mean to them by doing so.



8. 不要找不熟的人代购

Don't ask someone who doesn't know you that much to do overseas purchasing for you.


9. 不要什么内容都配个自拍,这会让人很想屏蔽

Don't add your selfies to everything you post. It really makes people want to block your posts.



10. 不是特别亲密的话,不要发语音,别人不一定能听,也不一定想听。

Don't send voice messages to someone you're not close to. They may not be able to listen and may not want to.