



1. France 法国


France clearly has more than enough cheese in the day-to-day as the go-to word for smiling in photos is ouistiti, which means marmoset.





2.Spain 西班牙



The Spanish draw smiling inspiration from food, taking the humble potato, the patata, a staple in Spanish cuisine, in the place of cheese!. However, its an odd choice, since it doesnt form the mouth into a smiley shape, which is why some locals get creative with funny alternatives like pis, with a long i.





3. Italy 意大利



Italians keep things simple, by either using the English word cheese or by opting for sorridi, as an instruction meaning smile.





4. China 中国



Mandarin Chinese speakers usually get you to say cheese by saying eggplant, qiézi (茄子), which sounds very similar to cheese and has the same smiling effect. In Taiwan, the word seven, qī’ () is used. However, if you want to see those smiles on camera in Hong Kong, just say one two three, yāt yim sàam ().

中国人说普通话的通常拍照会说“茄子”(qiézi),听起来跟cheese很像,同样具有微笑效果。在台湾,人们会说数字“七”(qī);到了香港,拍照时想要同样的微笑,只需说“一二三”(粤语发音yāt yim sàam)。




5. South Korea 韩国



In South Korea, Kimchi, a spicy fermented cabbage dish, is not just a culinary staple, but one that is used for making people smile on camera. Kimchi has the right vowels to shape the mouth into a toothy grin, making it an ideal Korean alternative to cheese.
