
2016 | 和怀孕的女人谈论性往往会招来很多人的皱眉,这个现象的背后其实有着更为深刻的社会原因,那么究竟是什么原因呢?让我们聆听本期TED演讲者Sofia Jawed女士给大家带来的解读。




We're going to share a lot of secrets today, you and I, and in doing so, I hope that we can lift some of the shame many of us feel about sex.



How many here have ever been catcalled by a stranger? Lots of women. For me, the time I remember best is when that stranger was a student of mine. He came up to me after class that night and his words confirmed what I already knew:"I am so sorry, professor. If I had known it was you, I would never have said those things."



I wasn't a person to him until I was his professor. This concept, called objectification, is the foundation of sexism, and we see it reinforced through every aspect of our lives. We see it in the government that refuses to punish men for raping women. We see it in advertisements. How many of you have seen an advertisement that uses a woman's breast to sell an entirely unrelated product? Or movie after movie after movie that portrays women as only love interests?



These examples might seem inconsequential and harmless, but they're insidious, slowly building into a culture that refuses to see women as people. We see this in the school that sends home a 10-year-old girl because her clothes were a distraction to boys trying to learn, or the government that refuses to punish men for raping women over and over, or the woman who is killed because she asked a man to stop grinding on her on the dance floor.

这些例子看似无关紧要,无伤大雅,但实际上他们的杀伤力很大,慢慢渗入成一种无视女性为人的文化。我们看见学校把10 岁的女学生打发回家,因为她的衣着让男生分心,不能专心读书,还有那些政府拒绝惩罚强奸女性的男人,一次又一次。还有女性被杀就是因为在舞池,她要求某位男人不要毛手毛脚。


Media plays a large role in perpetuating the objectification of women. Let's consider the classic romantic comedy. We're typically introduced to two kinds of women in these movies, two kinds of desirable women, anyway. The first is the sexy bombshell. This is the unbelievably gorgeous woman with the perfect body. Our leading man has no trouble identifying her and even less trouble having sex with her.



The second is our leading lady, the beautiful but demure woman our leading man falls in love with despite not noticing her at first or not liking her if he did. The first is the slut. She is to be consumed and forgotten. She is much too available. The second is desirable but modest, and therefore worthy of our leading man's future babies.Marriage material. We're actually told that women have two roles, but these two roles have a difficult time existing within the same woman.



On the rare occasion that I share with a new acquaintance that I study sex, if they don't end the conversation right then, they're usually pretty intrigued."Oh. Tell me more." So I do.



"I'm really interested in studying the sexual behaviors of pregnant and postpartum couples." At this point I get a different kind of response. "Oh. Huh. Do pregnant people even have sex? Have you thought about studying sexual desire or orgasms?That would be interesting, and sexy."



Tell me. What are the first words that come to mind when you picture a pregnant woman? I asked this question in a survey of over 500 adults, and most responded with "belly" or "round" and "cute." This didn't surprise me too much. What else do we label as cute? Babies. Puppies. Kittens. The elderly. Right?

请告诉我,当你们想到孕妇的时候,进入你们脑海的第一个字是什么?这个问题,我在一个调查中访问了超过 500 个成年人,最多的回答是「肚子」或「圆形」,还有 「可爱」。这并没有让我很吃惊。还有什么我们通常用可爱来形容? 婴儿、小狗、小猫。还有年长者。是吗?


When we label an adult as cute, though, we take away a lot of their intelligence, their complexity. We reduce them to childlike qualities. I also asked heterosexual men to imagine a woman that they're partnered with is pregnant, and then asked women to imagine that they are pregnant, and then tell me the first words that come to mind when they imagine having sex. Most of the responses were negative. "Gross." "Awkward.""Not sexy." "Odd." "Uncomfortable." "How?"

当我们把成年人用可爱来形容时,我们剥夺了他们的智慧,以及他们复杂性。我们把他们降到了小孩子的水准。我也访问过异性恋的男生,让他们假想他们的另一半正在怀孕,然后问女生假想自己怀孕,然后告诉我当他们想象在做性行为时,首先想到的第一个字词。大多数的反应都是负面的。” 恶心、尴尬、不性感、奇怪、不舒服、怎么做?


"Not worth the trouble." "Not worth the risk."



That last one really stuck with me. We might think that because we divorce pregnant women and moms from sexuality, we are removing the constraints of sexual objectification. They experience less sexism. Right? Not exactly. What happens instead is a different kind of objectification. In my efforts to explain this to others, one conversation led to the Venus of Willendorf, a Paleolithic figurine scholars assumed was a goddess of love and beauty, hence the name Venus.



This theory was later revised, though, when scholars noted the sculptor's obvious focus on the figurine's reproductive features: large breasts, considered ideal for nursing; a round, possibly pregnant belly; the remnants of red dye, alluding to menstruation or birth. They also assumed that she was meant to be held or placed lying down because her tiny feet don't allow her to be freestanding. She also had no face.



For this reason, it was assumed that she was a representation of fertility and not a portrait of a person. She was an object. In the history of her interpretation, she went from object of ideal beauty and love to object of reproduction.



I think this transition speaks more about the scholars who have interpreted her purpose than the actual purpose of the figurine herself. When a woman becomes pregnant, she leaves the realm of men's sexual desire and slides into her reproductive and child-rearing role. In doing so, she also becomes the property of the community, considered very important but only because she's pregnant. Right? I've taken to calling this the Willendorf effect, and once again we see it reinforced in many aspects of her life.

我认为这种转变,与其说是雕像的实际目的,不如说是,它告诉了我们那些研究她的学者的想法。当一个女人怀孕了,她不再是男性性需求的对象,随后进入了生育和养育孩子的角色。这样之后,她又成为了社区的共同财产。被认为非常重要,但只是因为她怀孕的缘故。是不是? 我把这个称为「维伦多夫效应」。再一次我们看见它在女性生活的许多方面被强化。