TED | 贫穷真正的根源是什么?

演讲简介:民权律师Gary Haugen指出,世人的同情心,让全球贫困人口自上世纪八十年代来不断减少。然而,尽管全球不断提供救济金,但仍然存在着一个不为人知的非常普遍的问题,正是这个问题让贫困依然盛行。侯嘉理揭露了这一贫穷成因,我们必须立刻就此采取行动。

演讲者:Gary Haugen


So why, why are so many billions still stuck in such harsh poverty? Well, let's think about Venus for a moment. Now for decades, my wife and I have been moved by common compassion to sponsor kids, to fund micro loans, to support generous levels of foreign aid. But until I had actually talked to Venus, I would have had no idea that none of those approaches actually addressed why she had to watch her son die.



"We were doing fine," Venus told me, "until Brutus started to cause trouble." Now, Brutus is Venus' neighbor and "cause trouble" is what happened the day after Venus' husband died, when Brutus just came and threw Venus and the kids out of the house, stole all their land, and robbed their market stall. You see, Venus was thrown into destitution by violence.

 “本来我们过得挺好,” Venus告诉我, 直到Brutus开始惹麻烦。“ BrutusVenus的邻居, 惹麻烦是指 Venus丈夫去世后的第二天,BrutusVenus 和她的孩子们赶出了家门,掠去了所有的土地,抢走了值钱的东西。是暴力让Venus陷入贫困。


And then it occurred to me, of course, that none of my child sponsorships, none of the micro loans,none of the traditional anti-poverty programs were going to stop Brutus, because they weren't meant to.



This became even more clear to me when I met Griselda. She's a marvelous young girl living in a very poor community in Guatemala. And one of the things we've learned over the years is that perhaps the most powerful thing that Griselda and her family can do to get Griselda and her family out of poverty is to make sure that she goes to school. The experts call this the Girl Effect. But when we met Griselda, she wasn't going to school. In fact, she was rarely ever leaving her home.



Days before we met her, while she was walking home from church with her family, in broad daylight,men from her community just snatched her off the street, and violently raped her. See, Griselda had every opportunity to go to school, it just wasn't safe for her to get there. And Griselda's not the only one.



Around the world, poor women and girls between the ages of 15 and 44, they are — when victims of the everyday violence of domestic abuse and sexual violence — those two forms of violence account for more death and disability than malaria, than car accidents, than war combined. The truth is, the poor of our world are trapped in whole systems of violence.



In South Asia, for instance, I could drive past this rice mill and see this man hoisting these 100-pound sacks of rice upon his thin back. But I would have no idea, until later, that he was actually a slave, held by violence in that rice mill since I was in high school.

比如说,在南亚,我开车驶过一片稻田, 看到这个男人用他瘦弱的后背驼着100磅重的米袋。但当时我根本就没想到,他原来是一个奴隶,在我上着高中时,他就被迫碾米作坊劳作。


Decades of anti-poverty programs right in his community were never able to rescue him or any of the hundred other slaves from the beatings and the rapes and the torture of violence inside the rice mill. In fact, half a century of anti-poverty programshave left more poor people in slavery than in any other time in human history

数十年来,他所在社区的抗击贫困的运动都没能解救他,也没能解救作坊中其他遭受殴打、强暴、酷刑的百余名奴隶。事实上,相对于 人类历史上其他任何时刻,近半世纪以来的抗击贫困的运动,让人类历史上沦为奴隶的人数达到了顶峰。


Experts tell us that there's about 35 million people in slavery today. That's about the population of the entire nation of Canada, where we're sitting today. This is why, over time, I have come to call this epidemic of violence the Locust Effect. Because in the lives of the poor, it just descends like a plague and it destroys everything. In fact, now when you survey very, very poor communities, residents will tell you that their greatest fear is violence. But notice the violence that they fear is not the violence of genocide or the wars, it's everyday violence.

专家告诉我们, 世界上目前大概有三千五百万奴隶。这大概相当于加拿大 整个国家人口的数量,这就是目前的状况。这就是为什么,我将这遍布的暴力称之为蝗虫效应。 因为,穷人们就像遭受了一场瘟疫般,家庭支离破碎,生活惨不忍睹。事实上,如今当你跟那些极度贫困的社区居民交流时,他们会告诉你他们最大的恐惧,就是暴力。注意,他们恐惧的暴力不是种族灭绝或战争,而是日常暴力。