All You Do: 潇洒态度

All you do all you say doesn't matter I don't care now anyway. 你的所作所为现在无论如何我都无所谓。很潇洒的态度,来自于Tina-Inez,是一名来自丹麦的欧洲最佳才女电音歌手。拉丁吉卜赛火辣风情到骨髓里丹麦的冷雅气息、INEZ组合以极度独特的边缘融合席卷了整个欧洲大陆,并随后蔓延到北美地区,被美国最具影响力的厂牌Tommy Boy看中并纳入旗下。由此在世界范围内获得了空前的认可和尊重,开始成为丹麦组合走向国际和世界舞台的不可忽视角色。流行音乐,俱乐部和拉丁元素等音乐风格样样精通。她主要唱英文的歌曲,但通常也融入了西班牙语言在她的歌词短语中。今天我们来听听她的"All You Do"



All you do all you say 你的所作所为

Doesn't matter I don't care now anyway 现在无论如何我都无所谓

Oh no you won't listen喔你是不会听到的

You just don't need me你不再需要我了

And I don't miss you much我也不会太想你的

You cross me我们偶遇了

Even nothing say that I'll lose但我甚至在离开时什么都没说

You keep on nagging boy你依旧是个唠叨的男孩

But you don't pack up and leave但是你没有打包离开

Cuz when we were因为我们曾经很美好

I am giving it it say我渐渐放弃

Second round will lead us第二次人生正在引领我们

To the same place you know在同一个地点,你懂得

When your heart is weary当你身心疲惫的时候

This is not the place you go它却并不是你回去的地方

We are going round and round我们转啊转

Breaking up and making out分分合合

Never find you难以找回当初的你

Love the way喜欢这种方式

You scream the way I shout你尖叫我呐喊的方式

All you do all you say你的所作所为

Doesn't matter I don't care now anyway现在无论如何我都无所谓

Oh no you won't listen喔你是不会听到的

All you do all you say你的所作所为

Counts for nothing毫无价值

That in your world anyway不论何时那都是在你的世界里



歌词:You cross me我们偶遇了

Even nothing say that I'll lose但我甚至在离开时什么都没说

You keep on nagging boy你依旧是个唠叨的男孩


划重点:nag ·vt.不断唠叨;指责;困扰,使烦恼·n.小马;驽马;竞赛马

Don't nag me!


She nagged him into doing what she wanted.


I have never seen a nag like this one.



歌词:But you don't pack up and leave. 但是你没有打包离开。

划重点:pack up 打包;收好;停止工作

Let's pack up and spend a week in the countryside.


It's time to pack up.




歌词:Second round will lead us第二次人生正在引领我们

To the same place you know在同一个地点,你懂得

划重点:Second round 第二回合

Jack knocked his opponent out in the second round of the contest.



歌词:When your heart is weary 当你身心疲惫的时候

This is not the place you go它却并不是你回去的地方


I feel weary after such a long journey.


The long hours of work have wearied me.


weary of (v.+prep.)


She is wearying of his constant complaints.她对他不停的抱怨感到厌烦。

用于 be ed 结构:They were wearied of waiting.他们等得不耐烦了。

weary with (v.+prep.)


The child wearied him with endless questions.那个小孩不断地问问题使他感到厌烦。

用于 be ed 结构:

They were wearied with walking.他们走累了。


歌词:All you do all you say你的所作所为

Counts for nothing毫无价值


Count out·逐一数出,大声数

She counted out fifteen pence and passed it to the salesgirl.她数出15个便士交给女店员。


You can count me out of this little plan of yours.你不必把我包括在你这个小打算之内。

count onupon(v.+prep.) 依赖,依靠,指望

.Don't count on other people to help you out of trouble.别指望他人能帮你摆脱困境。

count for (v.+prep.) 有价值,有重要性

His promises don't count for much.
