It’s Not Goodbye: 失去的一定都会以另一种方式回归

我一直都相信,失去的一定都会以另一种方式回归。"It's Not Goodbye"(《这不是再见》),来自于Laura PausiniLaura Pausini 被誉为意大利流行歌坛首席女声。一种爱情冒险的感觉、宽厚的音域和意大利风情,就是她的音乐特色。"It's Not Goodbye"唱着分别后的失意,而失意中又有一种坚定的信念,一起来听听吧!



now what if i never kiss your lips again 如果我不再亲你的嘴那会是怎样

or feel the touch of your sweet embrace 或感受你甜蜜的拥抱

how would i ever go on? 我会怎么活下去

without you there's no place to belong 没有你我就没有归属

well someday love is going to lead you back to me 有一天爱会带你回到我身边

but till it does i'll have an empty heart 但直到现在我还是很空虚

so i'll just have to believe所以我只好相信

somewhere out there you're thinking of me 我总会在你心中的某处

until the day i let you go 直到我让你走的那天

until we say our next hello 直到我们打了下一个招呼

it's not goodbye 那不是再见

till i see you again 知道我又看到你

i'll be right here remembering when 我会在这里记得是什么时候

and if time is on our side 如果有时间

there will be no tears to cry on down the road 没有眼泪会地落在地上

there is one thing i can't deny 又一件事我不能否认

it's not goodbye 就是不会有再见

you'd think i'd be strong enough to make it trough 你认为我应该更坚强地去面对

and rise above when the rain falls down 雨停后要站起来

but its so hard to be strong 但要坚强,对我来说太难

when you've been missing somebody so long 当你思念了一个人很久

it's just a matter of time i'm sure 我坚信,这只是一个大约的时间

but time takes time and i can' t hold on 但时过境迁我不能坚持下去了

so won't you try as hard as you can 所以你不会尽力去尝试



歌词:Now what if i never kiss your lips again 如果我不再亲你的嘴那会是怎样

or feel the touch of your sweet embrace 或感受你甜蜜的拥抱

how would i ever go on? 我会怎么活下去


what if·如果 ... 将会怎么样

What if I fail! 即使我失败了又怎样!

What if he doesn't agree? 如果他不同意该怎么办呢?

What if it is true? 如果这是真的又该如何呢?


lip·n. 嘴唇;唇状物·v. 接吻;说话;拍打

在英语里,习语between cup and lip(杯唇之间)常用来比喻“将成未成之际、功败垂成之际”。

Don't be too sure of success. There's many a slip between the cup and thelip. 不要太过自信,以为一定会成功,功败垂成是常有的事。

escape one's lips 溜出口,脱口而出

He didn't allow any word to escape his lips. 他守口如瓶。


除了字面"舔嘴唇"的意思,我们常用短语 lick their lips 来形容人们垂涎好吃的东西。这个短语也可以用来形容人们对即将发生的事情非常期待和盼望的心情。

My children are licking their lips when they enter the sweet shop.


People are licking their lips once again for the coming shopping day.



embrace·v. 拥抱;包含;包围;接受;信奉·n. 拥抱

We embraced each other. 我们互相拥抱。

She embraced my offer to go to the hospital.


go on·v. 继续;往前走;发生


歌词:There is one thing i can't deny 有一件事我不能否认

it's not goodbye 这不是再见


deny·vt. 否认;拒绝承认;拒绝给予;自制

He denied that it was his fault.


I was denied the chance of going to university.


deny to (v.+prep.)

拒绝让(某人)得到 refuse to allow (sth) to given to (sb)

The university rules deny entry to large numbers of clever students.



歌词:you'd think i'd be strong enough to make it trough


and rise above when the rain falls down



make through克服困难,度过难关

I will not want to be alone.Help me make it through the night.我不愿这般孤独,帮我度过这漫漫长夜

rise above·v. 克服; 不受 ... 的影响; 出类拔萃

He managed to rise above the problem facing him.


Tom had the ability to rise above the crowd in everything he did.


Those books rise above the ordinary level.
