TED | 消灭铺张浪费



安德鲁 · 登特认为,没有什么东西是应该扔掉的——当你将用过的食品容器、玩坏的玩具或者旧袜子扔进垃圾桶时,它们最终将不可避免地被运到垃圾场。但我们可以改进产品的生产和再生产方式。登特分享了关于节俭的几个例子,如利用和重新利用你需要的东西而不总是买新的,材料科学的进步——如用纳米纤维制作的电子产品,以及用酶让塑料变得可无限循环利用。






Nature also is very effective at thrift. Think about it: nature has zero waste. Everything is useful for another process. So, in this case, nanocellulose, which is basically one of the very fine building blocks of cellulose, which is one of the materials that makes trees strong, you can isolate it, and it works very much like carbon fiber. 



So, take that from a tree, form it into fibers, and then those fibers can strengthen things, such as airplanes, buildings, cars. The advantage of this, though, is its not just bioderived, comes from a renewable resource, but also that it is transparent, so it can be used in consumer electronics, as well as food packaging. Not bad for something that basically comes from the backyard. 



Another one from the biosource is synthetic spider silk. Now, its very hard to actually create spider silk naturally. You can basically get it from spiders, but in large numbers, they tend to kill each other, eat each other, so you've got a problem with creating it, in the same way you do with regular silk. 



So what you can do is instead take the DNA from the spider, and put it into various different things. You can put it into bacteria, you can put it into yeast, you can put it into milk. And what you can do then is, the milk or the bacteria produce in much larger volumes and then from that, spin a yarn and then create a fabric or a rope. 

那么,你可以做的就是从蜘蛛中提取 DNA,并将它放到不同的地方培养。你可以把它放到细菌里,放到酵母里,放到牛奶里。之后,你能做的是,当牛奶或细菌产生大量的丝状物后,提取出来纺纱,接着制作织物或绳子。


Again, bioderived, has incredible strength - about the same as Kevlar - so theyre using it in things like bulletproof vests and helmets and outdoor jackets. It has a great performance. 



But again, its bioderived, and at the end of its life, it potentially can go back into the soil and get composted to again be potentially used as a new material. 



I'd like to leave you with one last form which is biobased, but this, I think, is like the ultimate thrift. Think about the poster child for conspicuous consumption. Its the water bottle. 



We have too many of them, theyre basically going everywhere, theyre a problem in the ocean. What do we do with them? This process is able not just to recycle them, but to recycle them infinitely. 

我们有非常多的这样的水瓶,它们无处不在,是海洋污染重要来源之一。 那我们能做些什么呢?我们不仅应该让水瓶可以回收再利用,而且应该让这个过程无限进行下去。


Why is that interesting? Because when we think about reusing and recycling, metals, glass, things like that, can be recycled as many times as you like. Theres metal in your car that may well have come from a 1950s Oldsmobile, because you can recycle it infinitely with no loss of performance. 



Plastics offer about once or twice of recycling, whether its a bottle, whether its a chair - whatever it is, if its carpet - after two times of recycling, whether it goes back into another chair, etc, it tends to lose strength, its no longer of any use. This, though, just using a few enzymes, is able to recycle it infinitely. 
