TED | 伟大的领袖如何激励行动









But why is it important to attract those who believe what you believe? Something called the law of diffusion of innovation, if you dont know the law, you know the terminology. The first 2.5% of our population are our innovators. The next 13.5% of our population are our early adopters. The next 34% are your early majority, your late majority and your laggards. The only reason these people buy touch-tone phones is because you cant buy rotary phones anymore.

但是为什么吸引那些跟你拥有同样信念的人非常重要呢?创新的传播有一个规律,如果你不知道这个规律,你一定了解这个概念。我们的社会中,有2.5%的人是革新者。13.5%的人 是早期的少部分采纳者。接下来的34%是早期接受的大多数,然后是比较晚接受的大多数和最后行动的。这部分最后行动的人买按键电话的唯一原因是因为他们再也买不到转盘电话了。


We all sit at various places at various times on this scale, but what the law of diffusion of innovation tells us is that if you want mass-market success or mass-market acceptance of an idea, you cannot have it until you achieve this tipping point between 15 and 18 percent market penetration, and then the system tips. I love asking businesses, Whats your conversion on new business? They love to tell you, Its about 10 percent, proudly. Well, you can trip over 10% of the customers. We all have about 10% who just get it. Thats how we describe them, right? Thats like that gut feeling, "Oh, they just get it.

虽然我们在不同的时候会处在这个曲线上不同的位置,但是创新的传播规律告诉我们,如果你想在大众市场上获得成功,或者要大众接纳一个点子,你得等到 获得15%-18%的市场接受度这个转折点之后才行。那时之后市场才真正打开。我喜欢问公司:“你的新生意怎么样呀?” 他们会很自豪地告诉你 “哦,大概有10%吧。” 是呀你有可能就在10%的顾客群这里过不去了。我们都能让10%的人“意会”,对,我们一般这样形容他们。就好比描述那种感觉:“哦,他们有点心领神会了”。


The problem is: How do you find the ones that get it before doing business versus the ones who dont get it? So its this here, this little gap that you have to close, as Jeffrey Moore calls it, Crossing the Chasm - because, you see, the early majority will not try something until someone else has tried it first.And these guys, the innovators and the early adopters, theyre comfortable making those gut decisions.Theyre more comfortable making those intuitive decisions that are driven by what they believe about the world and not just what product is available.



These are the people who stood in line for six hours to buy an iPhone when they first came out, when you could have bought one off the shelf the next week. These are the people who spent 40,000 dollars on flat-screen TVs when they first came out, even though the technology was substandard. And, by the way, they didnt do it because the technology was so great; they did it for themselves. Its because they wanted to be first. People dont buy what you do, they buy why you do it and what you do simply proves what you believe. In fact, people will do the things that prove what they believe.



The reason that person bought the iPhone in the first six hours, stood in line for six hours, was because of what they believed about the world, and how they wanted everybody to see them: They were first. People dont buy what you do; they buy why you do it.
