TED | 做一些对环保有用的事



Andy Hobsbawm 和我们分享一个最新的关于环保的广告以及一些附加利益。





Great creativity. In times of need, we need great creativity. Discuss. Great creativity is astonishingly, absurdly, rationally, irrationally powerful. Great creativity can spread tolerance, champion freedom, make education seem like a bright idea. (Laughter)



Great creativity can turn a spotlight on deprivation, or show that deprivation aint necessarily so. Great creativity can make politicians electable, or parties unelectable. It can make war seem like tragedy or farce.



Creativity is the meme-maker that puts slogans on our t-shirts and phrases on our lips. Its the pathfinder that shows us a simple road through an impenetrable moral maze. Science is clever, but great creativity is something less knowable, more magical. And now we need that magic. This is a time of need.



Our climate is changing quickly, too quickly. And great creativity is needed to do what it does so well: to provoke us to think differently with dramatic creative statements. To tempt us to act differently with delightful creative scraps. Here is one such scrap from an initiative Im involved in using creativity to inspire people to be greener.



(Video) Man: You know, rather than drive today, Im going to walk.



Narrator: And so he walked, and as he walked he saw things. Strange and wonderful things he would not otherwise have seen. A deer with an itchy leg. A flying motorcycle. A father and daughter separated from a bicycle by a mysterious wall.



And then he stopped. Walking in front of him was her. The woman who as a child had skipped with him through fields and broken his heart. Sure, she had aged a little. In fact, she had aged a lot. But he felt all his old passion for her return.



 Ford, he called softly. For that was her name. Dont say another word, Gusty, she said, for that was his name. I know a tent next to a caravan, exactly 300 yards from here. Lets go there and make love. In the tent. Ford undressed.

他轻声的喊了声Ford”,那是她的名字 “不要再说了,Gusty”她说道 Gusty是他的名字 “我知道在离这里300码的地方,在一辆篷车的旁边有一个帐篷” “让我们到那里去做爱吧,就在那个帐篷里” Ford脱光了衣服。


She spread one leg, and then the other. Gusty entered her boldly and made love to her rhythmically while she filmed him, because she was a keen amateur pornographer. The earth moved for both of them. And they lived together happily ever after. And all because he decided to walk that day. (Applause)

她伸开一条腿,又伸开另一条腿,Gusty大胆的进入了她的身体,和她做爱。这个时候她为他拍了照片,因为她是一个狂热但业余的色情作品制作人,连地球都为他们两个而感动,从此以后,他们幸福的生活在一起,而这一切都是因为那天他决定步行的结果 。


Andy Hobsbawm: Weve got the science, weve had the debate. The moral imperative is on the table.Great creativity is needed to take it all, make it simple and sharp. To make it connect. To make it make people want to act. So this is a call, a plea, to the incredibly talented TED community. Lets get creative against climate change. And lets do it soon. Thank you. (Applause)

Andy Hobsbawm:我们已经拥有了科学,我们已经进行了辩论,相应的道德准则也已尽人皆知。我们需要有伟大的创造力去处理这一切,让它变得简单明了,去把它联系起来,让每一个人都愿意去行动起来。所以这是对不可思议的天才般的TED社区的一个呼吁和请求,让我们有创造性的去应对气候的变化,让我们马上行动起来!谢谢 (鼓掌)