




Data from more than 17,000 teenagers show little evidence of a relationship between screen time and well-being in adolescents.



The study, published in Psychological Science, a journal of the Association for Psychological Science, casts doubt on the widely accepted notion that spending time online, gaming, or watching TV, especially before bedtime, can damage young peoples mental health.



Implementing best practice statistical and methodological techniques we found little evidence for substantial negative associations between digital-screen engagement and adolescent well-being, said Amy Orben, a Researcher at the Oxford Internet Institute (OII) and College Lecturer at the Queens College, University of Oxford.

牛津大学互联网研究所(OII)研究员,牛津女王学院讲师Amy Orben说:通过实践最佳统计和方法技术,我们发现,很少的数据表明数字屏幕浏览率和青少年的健康呈负相关




While psychological science can be a powerful tool for understanding the link between screen use and adolescent well-being, it still routinely fails to supply stakeholders and the public with high-quality, transparent, and objective investigations into growing concerns about digital technologies.

OII研究主任,本研究的合著者Andrew Przybylski教授说:尽管心理科学是了解屏幕使用和青少年心理健康联系的有力工具,但常常不能向利益相关者和公众提供高质量、透明、客观的有关人们日益关心的数字科技的调查研究。


Analyzing three different datasets, which include improved measurements of screen time, we found little clear-cut evidence that screen time decreases adolescent well-being, even if the use of digital technology occurs directly before bedtime, said Professor Andrew Przybylski, Director of Research at the OII and coauthor on the study.



The research found that adolescents total screen time per day had little impact on their mental health, both on weekends and weekdays.



It also found that the use of digital screens 2 hours, 1 hour, or 30 minutes before bedtime didn’t have clear associations with decreases in adolescent well-being, even though this is often taken as a fact by media reports and public debates.



The researchers were also able to create a comprehensive picture of teens’ well-being, examining measures of psychosocial functioning, depression symptoms, self-esteem, and mood, with data provided by both young people and their caregivers.


Additionally, the final of the three studies conducted was preregistered, meaning that the researchers publicly documented the analyses they would run before they analyzed the data. This prevents hypothesizing after the results are known, a challenge for controversial research topics.



“Because technologies are embedded in our social and professional lives, research concerning digital-screen use and its effects on adolescent well-being is under increasing scrutiny,” said Orben.



The insights come days ahead of the anticipated release of the UK government’s new White Paper on Online Harms, which is expected to set out plans for legislation governing social media companies.



The study used data from Ireland, the US, and the UK. In Ireland, it covered 5,363 young people tracked under the Growing Up in Ireland project. In the US, the data covered 709 subjects of a variety of ages compiled by the United States Panel Study of Income Dynamics. And in the UK, the dataset included responses from 11,884 adolescents and their caregivers surveyed as part of the Millennium Cohort Study.


