TED | 谈论我们行为背后的“为什么”

演讲简介:为什么得万千宠爱的人往往骄横,历经磨难的人却常乐善好施?为什么有人愿意为他人付出生命,有人却为自己夺取他人的生命?Tony Robbins认为,人类有六种需求,你为满足这六个需求所作出的决定,跟从的“地图”,直接定义了你和你的命运。

演讲者:Tony Robbins 




I agree with what was described a few days ago, that people work in their self-interest. But we know that that's bullshit at times. You don't work in your self-interest all the time, because when emotion comes into it, the wiring changes in the way it functions. So it's wonderful to think intellectually about how the life of the world is, especially those who are very smart can play this game in our head. But I really want to know what's driving you.



What I would like to invite you to do by the end of this talk is explore where you are today, for two reasons. One: so that you can contribute more. And two: that hopefully we can not just understand other people more, but appreciate them more, and create the kinds of connections that can stop some of the challenges that we face today. They're only going to get magnified by the very technology that connects us, because it's making us intersect. That intersection doesn't always create a view of "everybody now understands everybody, and everybody appreciates everybody."



I've had an obsession basically for 30 years, "What makes the difference in the quality of people's lives?What in their performance?" I got hired to produce the result now. I've done it for 30 years. I get the phone call when the athlete is burning down on national television, and they were ahead by five strokes and now they can't get back on the course. I've got to do something right now or nothing matters.

所以30年来,我一直深深专注于探讨 是什么决定了人们的生活品质?” “是什么决定了人们表现的差异?因为那是我的工作。 我必须马上帮人们产生他们要的结果。 那就是我30年来的工作。比如说,我会接到一个电话说有个运动员在全国电视转播的比赛中失去状态, 他的队伍现在领先五分但他的队友们却已无心回到场上继续比赛。而我必须马上做些什么帮他们恢复状态,对他们而言那是最重要的。


I get the phone call when the child is going to commit suicide, I've got to do something. In 29 years, I'm very grateful to tell you I've never lost one. It doesn't mean I won't some day, but I haven't yet. The reason is an understanding of these human needs.

或我会接到个电话 说有个小孩要自杀而我必须马上做些什么来帮助他。29年来... 29年来我从未辜负过我的客户,我为此心存感激。这不表示说未来我决不会失手。但至今我从未失手过,其原因在于我对人类需求的理解。我今天想要和你们谈的就是这些人类需求。


When I get those calls about performance, that's one thing. How do you make a change? I'm also looking to see what is shaping the person's ability to contribute, to do something beyond themselves. Maybe the real question is, I look at life and say there's two master lessons. One is: there's the science of achievement, which almost everyone here has mastered amazingly. "How do you take the invisible and make it visible," How do you make your dreams happen? Your business, your contribution to society, money — whatever, your body, your family.

当我接到一个电话,要求改变某某人的表现,这是一个方面。 你怎样才能改变? 但同时,我也会注意是什么塑造了这个人贡献的能力,超越自己的能力。所以真正的问题也许是,你知道的,我发现人生中有两个核心的课程。 第一个为成就的科学人们在几乎任何方面,把这门课程掌握到近乎完美的程度。 就好像你如何把无形的东西具体化?,对吧? 如何把你的梦想变成现实? 不管是你的生意,你对社会的贡献,金钱... 你的身体,你的家庭,等等。


The other lesson that is rarely mastered is the art of fulfillment. Because science is easy, right? We know the rules, you write the code and you get the results. Once you know the game, you just up the ante, don't you? But when it comes to fulfillment — that's an art. The reason is, it's about appreciation and contribution. You can only feel so much by yourself.

但人生中的另一个课程却很少被人们掌握,那就是满足的艺术。因为科学比较容易,对吗? 我们知道了规则。你编写程序,你遵循公式, 然后你就能得到结果。就好比,一旦你知道了游戏的玩法,你就有把握进一步提高赌注,对吧?可是满足却是一门艺术。因为满足同感激和贡献相关联。你一个人能给自己带来的满足感是有限的。