


小妇人》(Little Women)是由美国女作家露易莎·梅·奥尔科特创作的长篇小说,首次出版于1868年。该作是一部以美国南北战争为背景,以19世纪美国新英格兰地区的一个普通家庭四个姐妹之间的生活琐事为蓝本的带有自传色彩的家庭伦理小说。小说受到当时的大思想家爱默生的影响,强调了个人尊严与自立自律的观念;内容平实却细腻,结构单纯而寓意深远,富有强烈的感染力。





Really, girls, you are both to be blamed, said Meg, beginning to lecture in her elder-sisterly fashion. You are old enough to leave off boyish tricks, and to behave better, Josephine. It didnt matter so much when you were a little girl, but now you are so tall, and turn up your hair, you should remember that you are a young lady.



Im not! And if turning up my hair makes me one, Ill wear it in two tails till Im twenty, cried Jo, pulling off her net, and shaking down a chestnut mane. I hate to think Ive got to grow up, and be Miss March, and wear long gowns, and look as prim as a China Aster! Its bad enough to be a girl, anyway, when I like boys games and work and manners! I cant get over my disappointment in not being a boy. And its worse than ever now, for Im dying to go and fight with Papa. And I can only stay home and knit, like a poky old woman! And Jo shook the blue army sock till the needles rattled like castanets, and her ball bounded across the room.



Poor Jo! Its too bad, but it cant be helped. So you must try to be contented with making your name boyish, and playing brother to us girls, said Beth, stroking the rough head with a hand that all the dish washing and dusting in the world could not make ungentle in its touch.



As for you, Amy, continued Meg, you are altogether to particular and prim. Your airs are funny now, but youll grow up an affected little goose, if you dont take care. I like your nice manners and refined ways of speaking, when you dont try to be elegant. But your absurd words are as bad as Jos slang. 



If Jo is a tomboy and Amy a goose, what am I, please? asked Beth, ready to share the lecture.



Youre a dear, and nothing else, answered Meg warmly, and no one contradicted her, for the Mouse was the pet of the family.
