TED | 如果改变不了环境,就先改变自己吧


你有试过因为达不到标准,而被定义为“差生”吗?也许很多人会跟你说,这种情况下如果改变不了环境,那就改变自己?那万一我们是对的呢?本期TED演讲,蓝人乐队创始人 Matt Goldman 用他的经历跟我们分享了一个更为广阔的世界观。








So it's 1969, New York City, third grade music class, and our teacher brings us into a room with nothing but a piano and chairs. And one by one, he calls us up, and he plays middle C, and he asks us to sing it.(Singing)



And you're either instructed to go to the right of the room or the left side of the room.



And when all 35 kids are done, the leftside of the room, which I was a part of, was told to stand up and go back to home room.



And none of us ever received another music class again in elementary school. An in club and an out club wasest ablished, and I didn't even know what the gating test was in the moment.



A few years later, English class ...first paper of a new semester, and I get the paper back, and it's C+, with the comment, "Good as can be expected."



Now, honestly, I didn't mind a C+. I was just happy it wasn't a C- or a D. But the "good as can be expected"comment ... even at that young age, it didn't seem right. It seemed somehow limiting.



Now, how many people here have had an experience similar to that, either at school or the workplace? We're not alone.



So I guess it might be ironic that my lifepath would lead me to a career of making music and writing for Blue Man Group and starting a school.




But school was torture for me. As someonewho didn't have a natural proclivity for academics, and my teachers never seemed to understand me, I didn't know how to navigate schools and schools didn't know what to do with me. So I started to ask the question, even back then, if these environments didn't know what to do with people who didn't fit a standard mold, why weren't we reshaping the environments to take advantage of people's strengths? What I've come to believe is that we need to cultivate safe and conducive conditions for new and innovative ideas to evolve and thrive.



We know that humans are innately innovative, because if we weren't, we'd all be using the same arrow heads that we were using 10,000 years ago. So one of the things that I started to questionis, are there ways to make innovation easier and happen more frequently? Is there a way to take those aha moments, those breakthroughs that seem to happen randomly and occasionally, and have them happen intentionally and frequently?



When we started Blue Man Group in 1988, we had never done an off-Broadway show before. We'd actually done almost no theater. But we knew what we were passionate about, and it was a whole series of things that we had never seen on stage before, things like art and popculture and technology and sociology and anthropology and percussion and comedy and following your bliss. 



We established a rule that nothing made it on stage if we had seen it before, and we wanted to inspire creativity and connectedness in ourselves and our audiences; we wanted to do a little bit of social good, and we wanted to have fun doing it. And in the office, we wanted to create an environment where people treated each other just a little bit better, just a little bit more respect and consideration than in the outside world. And we continued to iterate and collaborate and find solutions to create things that hadn't been seen.
