
演讲简介:1902年,总统西奥多·罗斯福传奇性地给了一只黑熊一条生路 - 这促使了人们对一个叫做泰迪熊玩具的狂热。作家乔恩·莫阿拉姆深入讲述了这个故事,并让我们思考我们如何讲述关于野外动物的故事对一个种类的生存机会,以及整个自然世界会有怎样真正的影响。 

演讲者:Jon Mooallem 乔恩·莫阿拉姆




So it was the fall of 1902, and President Theodore Roosevelt needed a little break from the White House, so he took a train to Mississippi to do a little black bear hunting outside of a town called Smedes.



The first day of the hunt, they didn't see a single bear, so it was a big bummer for everyone, but the second day, the dogs cornered one after a really long chase, but by that point, the president had given up and gone back to camp for lunch, so his hunting guide cracked the animal on the top of the head with the butt of his rifle, and then tied it up to a tree and started tooting away on his bugle to call Roosevelt back so he could have the honor of shooting it.



The bear was a female. It was dazed, injured, severely underweight, a little mangy-looking, and when Roosevelt saw this animal tied up to the tree, he just couldn't bring himself to fire at it. He felt like that would go against his code as a sportsman.



A few days later, the scene was memorialized in a political cartoon back in Washington. It was called "Drawing a Line in Mississippi," and it showed Roosevelt with his gun down and his arm out, sparing the bear's life, and the bear was sitting on its hind legs with these two big, frightened, wide eyes and little ears pricked up at the top of its head.

几天后,这个情景被记录了下来出现在华盛顿的一个政治卡通中,它叫做《在密西西比划清底线》 画面展现了罗斯福放下了他的枪,同时伸出他的手臂,给熊留了一条生路。这只熊坐在它的后腿上,两只大眼睛睁得圆圆的充满了恐惧,它的耳朵竖在头顶上。


It looked really helpless, like you just wanted to sweep it up into your arms and reassure it. It wouldn't have looked familiar at the time, but if you go looking for the cartoon now, you recognize the animal right away: It's a teddy bear. And this is how the teddy bear was born. Essentially, toy makers took the bear from the cartoon, turned it into a plush toy, and then named it after President Roosevelt — Teddy's bear.




toot [tuːt] 按响(喇叭)

例句:People set off fireworks and tooted their car horns.



dazed [dezd] adj. 头昏的;茫然的

例句:At the end of the interview I was dazed and exhausted.



prick up vt. 竖起

例句:Oh,what secret is it? I've already pricked up my ears.
