在死之前 我想……


Candy Chang居住在新奥尔良市,亲人的去世让她开始了关于死亡的思考。于是,她把她社区里的一栋废弃房屋改造成一块巨大的黑板。她在这块黑板上写满了同一道填空题——“在死之前,我想……”邻居们则填上了各种或是惊奇、或是辛酸、亦或是风趣的答案。这块巨型黑板成为他们社区里的一块明镜,照见大家生命的痕迹和内心的愿望。


So this neglected space became a constructive one, and people's hopes and dreams made me laugh out loud, tear up, and they consoled me during my own tough times. It's about knowing you're not alone; it's about understanding our neighbors in new and enlightening ways; it's about making space for reflection and contemplation, and remembering what really matters most to us as we grow and change.


I made this last year, and started receiving hundreds of messages from passionate people who wanted to make a wall with their community. So, my civic center colleagues and I made a tool kit, and now walls have been made in countries around the world, including Kazakhstan, South Africa, Australia,Argentina, and beyond. 

这个黑板是我去年做的,然后我就不断收到 一些热情的人们给我发的信息,说想在他们的社区里也设立一面这样的墙壁。所以我和我的同事们就做了一个小型工具箱,现在,这面墙壁已经遍布全球,包括哈萨克斯坦、南非、澳大利亚、阿根廷等地。

Together, we've shown how powerful our public spaces can be if we're given the opportunity to have a voice, and share more with one another.


Two of the most valuable things we have are time, and our relationships with other people. In our age of increasing distractions, it's more important than ever to find ways to maintain perspective, and remember that life is brief and tender


Death is something that we're often discouraged to talk about, or even think about, but I've realized that preparing for death is one of the most empowering things you can do. Thinking about death clarifies your life.


Our shared spaces can better reflect what matters to us, as individuals and as a community, and with more ways to share our hopes, fears and stories, the people around us can not only help us make better places, they can help us lead better lives.




console [kən'səʊl] vt. 安慰;慰藉

distraction [dɪ'strækʃ(ə)n] n. 注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱

tender ['tendə] adj. 温柔的;柔软的;脆弱的