




Since Burger King started trialling its new chip butty sandwich in New Zealand, Brits havent held back when it came to mocking for creating the staple British delicacy.

自汉堡王(Burger King)开始在新西兰推出新式薯条三明治以来,英国人一直对其秉持着嘲讽态度。


Fast-food chain Burger King has recently shared the exciting news that theyre trialling a new sandwich in New Zealand.

快餐连锁店汉堡王(Burger King)最近公布了一个了令人振奋的消息,他们正在新西兰尝试推出新型三明治。




But since the release, Brits have been mocking Burger Kings innovative idea and were quick to point out that there is nothing new nor exciting about the new snack.



Burger King describes its new burger as having crispy golden fries, mayo and ketchup, nestled between two soft buns. His Royal Fry-ness, the CHIP BUTTY has arrived.



And... Brits see it as a buttered roll with some chips thrown in, and a dollop of sauce for good measure - a staple British delicacy.



One person said: A chip butty. Youve invented a chip butty. Another said: Are Burger King really trying to own...a chip butty?

一个人说: “一个薯条,你发明了一个薯条。” 另一个人说: “汉堡王真的是想要推出... ... 一个薯条夹片吗?


A third also agreed: Burger King think they invented the chip butty, le sigh. Its a staple food in the UK, we either make it at home or buy one from the fish and chip shop. My preference is lashing of butter and a spinkle of salt.

另一个人也同意: “汉堡王认为他们发明了薯条。”这其实是英国的主食,我们要么自己做,要么从店里买。我更喜欢配着黄油和盐吃。”


And a fourth said: Show em a crisp butty. Their heads will explode - cant get much better than that.

还有人说: “给他们一个酥脆的奶油蛋糕。他们的头脑会爆炸”——没有比这更好的了。


The new burger retails for $2 which works out as 99p, so its an absolute bargain - but would you expect anything less for chips in a bun?



And if that doesnt excite you enough, you can upgrade your little bun of deliciousness, with strips of bacon for an extra $1 - 50p.
