TED | 如何与陌生人建立信任?









I want to tell you the story about the timeI almost got kidnapped in the trunk of a red Mazda Miata. It's the day aftergraduating from design school and I'm having a yard sale. And this guy pulls upin this red Mazda and he starts looking through my stuff. And he buys a pieceof art that I made. And it turns out he's alone in town for the night, drivingcross-country on a road trip before he goes into the Peace Corps. So I invitehim out for a beer and he tells me all about his passion for making adifference in the world.



Now it's starting to get late, and I'mgetting pretty tired. As I motion for the tab, I make the mistake of askinghim, "So where are you staying tonight?" And he makes it worse bysaying, "Actually, I don't have a place." And I'm thinking, "Oh,man!" What do you do? We've all been there, right? Do I offer to host thisguy? But, I just met him -- I mean, he says he's going to the Peace Corps, butI don't really know if he's going to the Peace Corps and I don't want to end upkidnapped in the trunk of a Miata. That's a small trunk!



So then I hear myself saying, "Hey, Ihave an airbed you can stay on in my living room." And the voice in myhead goes, "Wait, what?"



That night, I'm laying in bed, I'm staringat the ceiling and thinking, "Oh my god, what have I done? There's acomplete stranger sleeping in my living room. What if he's psychotic?" Myanxiety grows so much, I leap out of bed, I sneak on my tiptoes to the door,and I lock the bedroom door.



It turns out he was not psychotic. We'vekept in touch ever since. And the piece of art he bought at the yard sale ishanging in his classroom; he's a teacher now.



This was my first hosting experience, andit completely changed my perspective. Maybe the people that my childhood taughtme to label as strangers were actually friends waiting to be discovered. Theidea of hosting people on airbeds gradually became natural to me and when Imoved to San Francisco, I brought the airbed with me.
