The Greatest: 不将就,不言弃

自于Sia的一首The Greatest。整首歌听来听去就抓住了一个单词Stamina。Stamina的意思是毅力;持久力;活力;耐力,顾名思义,这是一首励志歌。The Greatest,Great已经是极好,非常好的意思了,此处加上est,变为最高级,比喻的是,一个人要相信自己生来是要成就大事,人生不将就不言弃,要做就就做最好,要做就做传奇。





Uh-oh running out of breath but I

虽然有些喘不过气 而我

Oh I I got stamina

而我 我仍精力充沛

Uh-oh running now I close my eyes

纵使我精疲力竭 我闭上双眼

Well oh I got stamina


And uh-oh I see another mountain to climb


But I I got stamina


And uh-oh I need another love to be mine


Cause I I got stamina


Don't give up I won't give up

绝不放弃 我绝不会放弃

Don't give up no no no


Don't give up I won't give up

绝不放弃 我绝不会放弃

Don't give up no no no






1.  歌词:Oh I got stamina而我仍精力充沛

点津:stamina: ['stæminə] n. 精力, 活力, 耐力 n. [植]雄蕊

Marathon runners need plenty of stamina.参加马拉松长跑要有耐力。

He doesn't have the stamina to be a teacher.他没有当教师的精力。


2. 歌词:I transform with pressure. I'm hands-on with effort重重压力下我逆转局面 努力亲身实现梦想

点津:hands-on [ˈhændzˈɑn, -ˈɔn] adj.亲自实践的;实际动手操作的

Ninety-nine per cent of primary pupils now have hands-on experience of computers现在99%的小学生都亲手操作过电脑。

This hands-on management approach often stretches his workday from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. 这种亲历亲为的管理方法经常让他从早上6点一直工作到晚上11点。


3. 歌词: Letdowns will get you and the critics will test you失败将成就你 批评将考验你

n. letdown [ˈlɛtˌdaʊn] 令人失望的事;失望;沮丧;减退;减低;松劲;松弛

点津:The flat was really nice, but compared with what we'd been used to, it was a terrible let-down...这套公寓真的很不错,但比起我们以往住的地方,那就差太远了。